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res_geolocation: Core Geolocation Support

This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by res_geolocation.

Configuration File: geolocation.conf

[location]: Location


16.29.0, 18.15.0, 19.7.0

Parameters for defining a Location object

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description Since
confidence Custom none false Level of confidence 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
format Custom none false Location specification type 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
location_info Custom none false Location information 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
location_source String false Fully qualified host name 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
method String false Location determination method 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
type None false Must be of type 'location'. 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

Configuration Option Descriptions


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

This is a rarely used field in the specification that would indicate the confidence in the location specified. See RFC7459 for exact details.


  • pdf - One of:

    • unknown

    • normal

    • rectangular

  • value - A percentage indicating the confidence.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

  • civicAddress - The 'location_info' parameter must contain a comma separated list of IANA codes or synonyms describing the civicAddress of this location. The IANA codes and synonyms can be obtained by executing the CLI command 'geoloc show civicAddr_mapping'.

  • GML - The 'location_info' parameter must contain a comma separated list valid GML elements describing this location.

  • URI - The 'location_info' parameter must contain a single URI parameter which contains an external URI describing this location.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

The contents of this parameter are specific to the location 'format'.

  • civicAddress - location_info = country=US,A1="New York",city_district=Manhattan, A3="New York", house_number=1633, street=46th, street_suffix = Street, postal_code=10222,floor=20,room=20A2

  • GML - location_info = Shape=Sphere, pos3d="39.12345 -105.98766 1920", radius=200

  • URI - location_info = URI=https:/${EXTEN}


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

This parameter isn't required but if provided, RFC8787 says it MUST be a fully qualified host name. IP addresses are specifically NOT allowed. The value will be placed in a 'loc-src' parameter appended to the URI in the ' Geolocation' header.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

This is a rarely used field in the specification that would indicate the method used to determine the location. Its usage and values should be pre-negotiated with any recipients.

  • GPS

  • A-GPS

  • Manual

  • DHCP

  • Triangulation

  • Cell

  • 802.11

[profile]: Profile


16.29.0, 18.15.0, 19.7.0

Parameters for defining a Profile object

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description Since
allow_routing_use Boolean no false Sets the value of the Geolocation-Routing header. 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
confidence Custom none false Level of confidence 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
format Custom none false Location specification type 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
location_info Custom none false Location information 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
location_info_refinement Custom none false Reference to a location object 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
location_reference String false Reference to a location object 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
location_source String false Fully qualified host name 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
location_variables Custom none false Reference to a location object 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
method String false Location determination method 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
notes String false Notes to be added to the outgoing PIDF-LO document 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
pidf_element Custom device false PIDF-LO element to place this profile in 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
profile_precedence Custom discard_incoming false Determine which profile on a channel should be used 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
suppress_empty_ca_elements Boolean no false Sets if empty Civic Address elements should be suppressed from the PIDF-LO document. 16.29.0, 18.15.0, 19.7.0
type None false Must be of type 'profile'. 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0
usage_rules Custom empty element false location specification type 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

Configuration Option Descriptions


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

This is a rarely used field in the specification that would indicate the confidence in the location specified. See RFC7459 for exact details.


  • pdf - One of:

    • unknown

    • normal

    • rectangular

  • value - A percentage indicating the confidence.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

  • civicAddress - The 'location_info' parameter must contain a comma separated list of IANA codes or synonyms describing the civicAddress of this location. The IANA codes and synonyms can be obtained by executing the CLI command 'geoloc show civicAddr_mapping'.

  • GML - The 'location_info' parameter must contain a comma separated list valid GML elements describing this location.

  • URI - The 'location_info' parameter must contain a single URI parameter which contains an external URI describing this location.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

The contents of this parameter are specific to the location 'format'.

  • civicAddress - location_info = country=US,A1="New York",city_district=Manhattan, A3="New York", house_number=1633, street=46th, street_suffix = Street, postal_code=10222,floor=20,room=20A2

  • GML - location_info = Shape=Sphere, pos3d="39.12345 -105.98766 1920", radius=200

  • URI - location_info = URI=https:/${EXTEN}


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

This parameter isn't required but if provided, RFC8787 says it MUST be a fully qualified host name. IP addresses are specifically NOT allowed. The value will be placed in a 'loc-src' parameter appended to the URI in the ' Geolocation' header.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

This is a rarely used field in the specification that would indicate the method used to determine the location. Its usage and values should be pre-negotiated with any recipients.

  • GPS

  • A-GPS

  • Manual

  • DHCP

  • Triangulation

  • Cell

  • 802.11


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

The specification of this parameter will cause a '' element to be added to the outgoing PIDF-LO document. Its usage should be pre-negotiated with any recipients.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

  • tuple

  • device

  • person Based on RFC5491 (see below) the recommended and default element is 'device'.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0

  • prefer_incoming - Use the incoming profile if it exists and has location information, otherwise use the configured profile if it exists and has location information. If neither profile has location information, nothing is sent.

  • prefer_config - Use the configured profile if it exists and has location information, otherwise use the incoming profile if it exists and has location information. If neither profile has location information, nothing is sent.

  • discard_incoming - Discard any incoming profile and use the configured profile if it exists and it has location information. If the configured profile doesn't exist or has no location information, nothing is sent.

  • discard_config - Discard any configured profile and use the incoming profile if it exists and it has location information. If the incoming profile doesn't exist or has no location information, nothing is sent.


Since: 16.28.0, 18.14.0, 19.6.0


Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch 21 using version GIT