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Raised when a channel enters a bridge.


    Event: BridgeEnter
    BridgeUniqueid: <value>
    BridgeType: <value>
    BridgeTechnology: <value>
    BridgeCreator: <value>
    BridgeName: <value>
    BridgeNumChannels: <value>
    BridgeVideoSourceMode: <value>
    BridgeVideoSource: <value>
    Channel: <value>
    ChannelState: <value>
    ChannelStateDesc: <value>
    CallerIDNum: <value>
    CallerIDName: <value>
    ConnectedLineNum: <value>
    ConnectedLineName: <value>
    Language: <value>
    AccountCode: <value>
    Context: <value>
    Exten: <value>
    Priority: <value>
    Uniqueid: <value>
    Linkedid: <value>
    SwapUniqueid: <value>
  • BridgeUniqueid

  • BridgeType - The type of bridge

  • BridgeTechnology - Technology in use by the bridge

  • BridgeCreator - Entity that created the bridge if applicable

  • BridgeName - Name used to refer to the bridge by its BridgeCreator if applicable

  • BridgeNumChannels - Number of channels in the bridge

  • BridgeVideoSourceMode -

    • none

    • talker

    • single The video source mode for the bridge.

  • BridgeVideoSource - If there is a video source for the bridge, the unique ID of the channel that is the video source.

  • Channel

  • ChannelState - A numeric code for the channel's current state, related to ChannelStateDesc

  • ChannelStateDesc

    • Down

    • Rsrvd

    • OffHook

    • Dialing

    • Ring

    • Ringing

    • Up

    • Busy

    • Dialing Offhook

    • Pre-ring

    • Unknown

  • CallerIDNum

  • CallerIDName

  • ConnectedLineNum

  • ConnectedLineName

  • Language

  • AccountCode

  • Context

  • Exten

  • Priority

  • Uniqueid

  • Linkedid - Uniqueid of the oldest channel associated with this channel.

  • SwapUniqueid - The uniqueid of the channel being swapped out of the bridge



See Also

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/18.9 using version GIT