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Method Path (Parameters are case-sensitive) Return Model Summary
GET /events Message WebSocket connection for events.
POST /events/user/{eventName} void Generate a user event.


GET /events

WebSocket connection for events.

Query parameters

  • app: string - (required) Applications to subscribe to.
  • Allows comma separated values.
  • subscribeAll: boolean - Subscribe to all Asterisk events. If provided, the applications listed will be subscribed to all events, effectively disabling the application specific subscriptions. Default is 'false'.


POST /events/user/{eventName}

Generate a user event.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * eventName: string - Event name

Query parameters

  • application: string - (required) The name of the application that will receive this event
  • source: string - URI for event source (channel:{channelId}, bridge:{bridgeId}, endpoint:{tech}/{resource}, deviceState:{deviceName}
  • Allows comma separated values.

Body parameter

  • variables: containers - The "variables" key in the body object holds custom key/value pairs to add to the user event. Ex. { "variables": { "key": "value" } }

Error Responses

  • 404 - Application does not exist.
  • 422 - Event source not found.
  • 400 - Invalid even tsource URI or userevent data.