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res_stir_shaken: STIR/SHAKEN module for Asterisk

This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by res_stir_shaken.

Configuration File: stir_shaken.conf

[general]: STIR/SHAKEN general options

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
ca_file Custom false File path to the certificate authority certificate
ca_path Custom false File path to a chain of trust
cache_max_size Unsigned Integer 1000 false Maximum size to use for caching public keys
curl_timeout Unsigned Integer 2 false Maximum time to wait to CURL certificates
signature_timeout Unsigned Integer 15 false Amount of time a signature is valid for
type None false Must be of type 'general'.

[store]: STIR/SHAKEN certificate store options

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
path Custom false Path to a directory containing certificates
public_cert_url Custom false URL to the public certificate(s)
type None false Must be of type 'store'.

Configuration Option Descriptions


Must be a valid http, or https, URL. The URL must also contain the ${CERTIFICATE} variable, which is used for public key name substitution. For example:${CERTIFICATE}.pub

[certificate]: STIR/SHAKEN certificate options

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
attestation Custom false Attestation level
caller_id_number String false The caller ID number to match on.
path Custom false File path to a certificate
public_cert_url Custom false URL to the public certificate
type None false Must be of type 'certificate'.

Configuration Option Descriptions


Must be a valid http, or https, URL.

[profile]: STIR/SHAKEN profile configuration options

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
acllist Custom false An existing ACL from acl.conf to use
deny Custom false An IP or subnet to deny
permit Custom false An IP or subnet to permit
stir_shaken Custom on false STIR/SHAKEN configuration settings
type None false Must be of type 'profile'.

Configuration Option Descriptions


Attest, verify, or do both STIR/SHAKEN operations. On incoming INVITEs, the Identity header will be checked for validity. On outgoing INVITEs, an Identity header will be added.

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/18.9 using version GIT