ConfBridge Sound Prompts

The following Conference Menu and Bridge Profile options sound files are available as part of the latest Asterisk core sounds package - currently only available in the English language package.

  • confbridge-begin-glorious-a - "The conference will begin when our glorious leader arrives."
  • confbridge-begin-glorious-b - "The conference will begin when our glorious leader arrives."
  • confbridge-begin-glorious-c - "The conference will begin when our glorious leader arrives."
  • confbridge-conf-begin - "The conference will now begin."
  • confbridge-conf-end - "The conference has ended."
  • confbridge-dec-list-vol-in - "To decrease the audio volume from other participants..."
  • confbridge-dec-list-vol-out - " decrease the audio volume from other participants."
  • confbridge-dec-talk-vol-in - "To decrease your speaking volume to other participants..."
  • confbridge-dec-talk-vol-out - " decrease your speaking volume to other participants."
  • confbridge-has-joined - "...has joined the conference."
  • confbridge-has-left - "...has left the conference."
  • confbridge-inc-list-vol-in - "To increase the audio volume from other participants..."
  • confbridge-inc-list-vol-out - " increase the audio volume from other participants."
  • confbridge-inc-talk-vol-in - "To increase your speaking volume to other participants..."
  • confbridge-inc-talk-vol-out - " increase your speaking volume to other participants."
  • confbridge-invalid - "You have entered an invalid option."
  • confbridge-leave-in - "To leave the conference..."
  • confbridge-leave-out - " leave the conference."
  • confbridge-lock-extended - " lock or unlock the conference. When a conference is locked, only conference administrators can join."
  • confbridge-lock-in - "To lock or unlock the conference."
  • confbridge-lock-no-join - "The conference is currently locked and cannot be joined."
  • confbridge-lock-out 0- " lock or unlock the conference."
  • confbridge-locked - "The conference is now locked."
  • confbridge-menu-exit-in - "To exit the menu..."
  • confbridge-menu-exit-out - " exit the menu."
  • confbridge-mute-extended - " mute or unmute yourself. When you are muted, you cannot send audio to other participants; however you will still hear audio from other unmuted participants.
  • confbridge-mute-in - "To mute or unmute yourself..."
  • confbridge-mute-out - " mute or unmute yourself."
  • confbridge-muted - "You are now muted."
  • confbridge-only-one - "There is currently one other participant in the conference."
  • confbridge-only-participant - "You are currently the only participant in the conference."
  • confbridge-participants - "...participants in the conference."
  • confbridge-pin-bad - "You have entered too many invalid personal identification numbers."
  • confbridge-pin - "Please enter your personal identification number followed by the pound or hash key."
  • confbridge-remove-last-in - "To remove the participant who most recently joined the conference..."
  • confbridge-remove-last-out - " remove the participant who most recently joined the conference."
  • confbridge-removed - "You have been removed from the conference."
  • confbridge-rest-list-vol-in - "To reset the audio volume of the conference to the default level..."
  • confbridge-rest-list-vol-out - " reset the audio volume of the conference to the default level."
  • confbridge-rest-talk-vol-in - "To reset your speaking volume to the default level..."
  • confbridge-rest-talk-vol-out - " reset your speaking volume to the default level."
  • confbridge-there-are - "There are currently..."
  • confbridge-unlocked - "The conference is now unlocked."
  • confbridge-unmuted - "You are no longer muted."