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Asterisk Realtime Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) Driver

With this driver Asterisk, using the Realtime Database Configuration, can access and update information in an LDAP directory. Asterisk can configure SIP/IAX2 users, extensions, queues, queue members, and entire configuration files. This guide assumes you have a working knowledge of LDAP and have an LDAP server with authentication already setup. Asterisk requires read and write permissions to update the directory.

See configs/res_ldap.conf.sample for a configuration file sample.
See contrib/scripts for the LDAP schema and ldif files needed for the LDAP server.


To use static realtime with certain core configuration files the realtime backend you wish to use must be preloaded in modules.conf.

From within your Asterisk source directory:

cd contrib/scripts
sudo cp asterisk.ldap-schema /etc/ldap/schema/
sudo service slapd restart
sudo ldapadd -Y EXTERNAL -H ldapi:/// -f ./asterisk.ldif

Let's edit the extconfig.conf file to specify LDAP as our realtime storage engine and where Asterisk will look for data.

sippeers = ldap,"ou=sip,dc=example,dc=domain",sip
sipusers = ldap,"ou=sip,dc=example,dc=domain",sip
extensions = ldap,"ou=extensions,dc=example,dc=domain",extensions


You'll want to reference the Asterisk res_ldap.conf file which holds the LDAP mapping configuration when building your own record schema.

Basic sip users record layout which will need to be saved to a file (we'll use 'createduser.ldif' here as an example). This example record is for sip user '1000'. This example record is for sip user '1000'.

dn: cn=1000,ou=sip,dc=digium,dc=internal
objectClass: AsteriskAccount
objectClass: AsteriskExtension
objectClass: AsteriskSIPUser
objectClass: top
AstAccountName: sip user
cn: 1000
AstAccountDefaultUser: 0
AstAccountExpirationTimestamp: 0
AstAccountFullContact: 0
AstAccountHost: dynamic
AstAccountIPAddress: 0
AstAccountLastQualifyMilliseconds: 0
AstAccountPort: 0
AstAccountRegistrationServer: 0
AstAccountType: 0
AstAccountUserAgent: 0
AstExtension: 1000

Let's add the record to the LDAP server:

sudo ldapadd -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=domain" -x -W -f createduser.ldif

When creating your own record schema, you'll obviously want to incorporate authentication. Asterisk + LDAP requires that the user secrets be stored as an MD5 hash. MD5 hashes can be created using 'md5sum'.

For AstAccountRealmedPassword authentication use this.

printf "<secret composed of username, realm, and password goes here>" | md5sum

For AstMD5secret authentication use this.

printf "password" | md5sum