
Attacks on Voice over IP networks are becoming increasingly more common. It has become clear that we must do something within Asterisk to help mitigate these attacks.

Through a number of discussions with groups of developers in the Asterisk community, the general consensus is that the best thing that we can do within Asterisk is to build a framework which recognizes and reports events that could potentially have security implications. Each channel driver has a different concept of what is an "event", and then each administrator has different thresholds of what is a "bad" event and what is a restorative event. The process of acting upon this information is left to an external program to correlate and then take action - block traffic, modify dialing rules, etc. It was decided that embedding actions inside of Asterisk was inappropriate, as the complexity of construction of such rule sets is difficult and there was no agreement on where rules should be enabled or how they should be processed. The addition of a major section of code to handle rule expiration and severity interpretation was significant. As a final determining factor, there are external programs and services which already parse log files and act in concert with packet filters or external devices to protect or alter network security models for IP connected hosts.