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SIP Data Access Layer Objects


The new SIP channel driver for Asterisk will have a clear separation of persistent data from the various modules and implementations therein. This will allow the persistent data to be stored using different methods such as: flat file, astdb, and other databases with no changes required elsewhere. A common API will be designed and implemented to allow this to happen. Before this occurs though the objects exposed by this data access layer need to be defined with minimal content and relationships. The objects listed will evolve and change with additional objects being added as development progresses. This page aims to propose an initial idea for the minimum required and to solicit feedback.


The transport object contains information about configured SIP transports. These are what send and receive SIP traffic.

Variable Name Type Contents
name string Unique name for transport
type enum Type of transport (UDP, TCP, TLS, WS, WSS)
host ast_sockaddr IP address for transport to bind to (may be optional)
port integer Port to bind to (may be optional)
TLS Specific
Variable Name Type Contents
authority string Certificate authority filename or path
certificate string Path to certificate to use
key string Path to private key
password string Password for private key
verifyserver bool Whether to require verification of server certificate or not
verifyclient bool Whether to require verification of client certificate or not
requireclient bool Whether to require a client certificate or not


The endpoint object contains information about a SIP trunk or SIP device.

Variable Name Type Contents
name string Unique name for endpoint
codecs ast_format_cap Allowed formats
dtmf enum DTMF method to use (inband, INFO, RFC2833)
transport string Name of transport to force endpoint to use
cid_num string Caller ID number
cid_name string Caller ID name
cid_tag string Caller ID tag
context string Context to place incoming calls into
registrations list Outgoing registrations associated with endpoint
domain string Domain that the endpoint belongs to
aor string Address of record to use for endpoint


The registration object contains information about an outgoing registration.

Variable Name Type Contents
host string IP address or host to register to
port int Port to contact server on
username string Username to authenticate as
password string Password to use for authentication


The domain object holds information about a specific SIP domain.

Variable Name Type Contents
name string Unique name for domain
context string Context to place incoming calls into, if unauthenticated


The address of record object contains information used by a registrar for registrations.

Variable Name Type Contents
name string Unique name for AOR
expiration int Default expiration if registration does not provide it
contacts list List of contacts associated with this AOR
domain string Domain that the AOR belongs to


The contact object contains information about an inbound registration.

Variable Name Type Contents
uri string Full URI to contact
expiration timeval When this contact should expire


The above objects represent a minimum required to achieve basic functionality. They do not reflect all needed variables and objects and as previously stated will evolve and grow.