
Discussions about Asterisk development occur on the asterisk-dev mailing list and the #asterisk-dev channel on irc.freenode.net.

At present (May, 2014), the Developer Conference Call is not held. We welcome your participation in the aforementioned list and IRC channel.

This page is maintained for historical purposes only.

The Asterisk Developer Conference call is held every other Thursday.

Please note that this call staggers every other instance to accommodate participation from other time zones.

Shared calendar URL: http://devcon.digium.com/calendar/AsteriskDevCall

The Asterisk Developer Conference Call can be accessed via the following methods:


Bridge: Shared calendar URL: http://devcon.digium.com/calendar/AsteriskDevCall
Pin Code: Shared calendar URL: http://devcon.digium.com/calendar/AsteriskDevCall

Please join us on IRC at #asterisk-dev during the call for real time communication and file sharing.

The format for the call is:

00:00 - 05:00: Welcome & Announcements
05:00 - 20:00: Old Business
20:00 - 40:00: New Business
40:00 - 60:00: Open Floor

All participants are muted by default and should press "*" to access the conference menu followed by "1" to unmute in order to speak.

Please make best efforts to join from handsets or use a headset in conjunction with a software phone or SKYPE to maximize audio quality.

We look forward to your participation!