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Since: 12.0.0

Method Path (Parameters are case-sensitive) Return Model Summary Since
GET /channels List[Channel] List all active channels in Asterisk. 12.0.0
POST /channels Channel Create a new channel (originate). 12.0.0
POST /channels/create Channel Create channel. 14.0.0
GET /channels/{channelId} Channel Channel details. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId} Channel Create a new channel (originate with id). 12.2.0
DELETE /channels/{channelId} void Delete (i.e. hangup) a channel. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/continue void Exit application; continue execution in the dialplan. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/move void Move the channel from one Stasis application to another. 13.26.0, 16.3.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/redirect void Redirect the channel to a different location. 13.3.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/answer void Answer a channel. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/ring void Indicate ringing to a channel. 12.0.0
DELETE /channels/{channelId}/ring void Stop ringing indication on a channel if locally generated. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/dtmf void Send provided DTMF to a given channel. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/mute void Mute a channel. 12.0.0
DELETE /channels/{channelId}/mute void Unmute a channel. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/hold void Hold a channel. 12.0.0
DELETE /channels/{channelId}/hold void Remove a channel from hold. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/moh void Play music on hold to a channel. 12.0.0
DELETE /channels/{channelId}/moh void Stop playing music on hold to a channel. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/silence void Play silence to a channel. 12.0.0
DELETE /channels/{channelId}/silence void Stop playing silence to a channel. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/play Playback Start playback of media. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/play/{playbackId} Playback Start playback of media and specify the playbackId. 12.2.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/record LiveRecording Start a recording. 12.0.0
GET /channels/{channelId}/variable Variable Get the value of a channel variable or function. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/variable void Set the value of a channel variable or function. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/snoop Channel Start snooping. 12.0.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/snoop/{snoopId} Channel Start snooping. 12.2.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/dial void Dial a created channel. 14.0.0
GET /channels/{channelId}/rtp_statistics RTPstat RTP stats on a channel. 13.27.0, 16.4.0
POST /channels/externalMedia Channel Start an External Media session. 16.6.0, 17.1.0
POST /channels/{channelId}/transfer_progress void Inform the channel about the progress of the attended/blind transfer. 22.3.0, 21.8.0, 20.13.0


Since: 12.0.0

GET /channels

List all active channels in Asterisk.


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels

Create a new channel (originate). The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates.

Query parameters

  • endpoint: string - (required) Endpoint to call.
  • extension: string - The extension to dial after the endpoint answers. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • context: string - The context to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 'default'. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • priority: long - The priority to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 1. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • label: string - The label to dial after the endpoint answers. Will supersede 'priority' if provided. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • app: string - The application that is subscribed to the originated channel. When the channel is answered, it will be passed to this Stasis application. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label'.
  • appArgs: string - The application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app'. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label'.
  • callerId: string - CallerID to use when dialing the endpoint or extension.
  • timeout: int - Timeout (in seconds) before giving up dialing, or -1 for no timeout.
    • Default: 30
  • channelId: string - The unique id to assign the channel on creation.
  • otherChannelId: string - The unique id to assign the second channel when using local channels.
  • originator: string - The unique id of the channel which is originating this one.
  • formats: string - The format name capability list to use if originator is not specified. Ex. "ulaw,slin16". Format names can be found with "core show codecs".

Body parameter

  • variables: containers - The "variables" key in the body object holds variable key/value pairs to set on the channel on creation. Other keys in the body object are interpreted as query parameters. Ex. { "endpoint": "SIP/Alice", "variables": { "CALLERID(name)": "Alice" } }

Error Responses

  • 400 - Invalid parameters for originating a channel.
  • 409 - Channel with given unique ID already exists.


Since: 14.0.0

POST /channels/create

Create channel.

Query parameters

  • endpoint: string - (required) Endpoint for channel communication
  • app: string - (required) Stasis Application to place channel into
  • appArgs: string - The application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app'. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label'.
  • channelId: string - The unique id to assign the channel on creation.
  • otherChannelId: string - The unique id to assign the second channel when using local channels.
  • originator: string - Unique ID of the calling channel
  • formats: string - The format name capability list to use if originator is not specified. Ex. "ulaw,slin16". Format names can be found with "core show codecs".

Body parameter

  • variables: containers - The "variables" key in the body object holds variable key/value pairs to set on the channel on creation. Other keys in the body object are interpreted as query parameters. Ex. { "endpoint": "SIP/Alice", "variables": { "CALLERID(name)": "Alice" } }

Error Responses

  • 409 - Channel with given unique ID already exists.


Since: 12.0.0

GET /channels/{channelId}

Channel details.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found


Since: 12.2.0

POST /channels/{channelId}

Create a new channel (originate with id). The new channel is created immediately and a snapshot of it returned. If a Stasis application is provided it will be automatically subscribed to the originated channel for further events and updates.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - The unique id to assign the channel on creation.

Query parameters

  • endpoint: string - (required) Endpoint to call.
  • extension: string - The extension to dial after the endpoint answers. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • context: string - The context to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 'default'. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • priority: long - The priority to dial after the endpoint answers. If omitted, uses 1. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • label: string - The label to dial after the endpoint answers. Will supersede 'priority' if provided. Mutually exclusive with 'app'.
  • app: string - The application that is subscribed to the originated channel. When the channel is answered, it will be passed to this Stasis application. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label'.
  • appArgs: string - The application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app'. Mutually exclusive with 'context', 'extension', 'priority', and 'label'.
  • callerId: string - CallerID to use when dialing the endpoint or extension.
  • timeout: int - Timeout (in seconds) before giving up dialing, or -1 for no timeout.
    • Default: 30
  • otherChannelId: string - The unique id to assign the second channel when using local channels.
  • originator: string - The unique id of the channel which is originating this one.
  • formats: string - The format name capability list to use if originator is not specified. Ex. "ulaw,slin16". Format names can be found with "core show codecs".

Body parameter

  • variables: containers - The "variables" key in the body object holds variable key/value pairs to set on the channel on creation. Other keys in the body object are interpreted as query parameters. Ex. { "endpoint": "SIP/Alice", "variables": { "CALLERID(name)": "Alice" } }

Error Responses

  • 400 - Invalid parameters for originating a channel.
  • 409 - Channel with given unique ID already exists.


Since: 12.0.0

DELETE /channels/{channelId}

Delete (i.e. hangup) a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • reason_code: string - The reason code for hanging up the channel for detail use. Mutually exclusive with 'reason'. See detail hangup codes at here.
  • reason: string - Reason for hanging up the channel for simple use. Mutually exclusive with 'reason_code'.
    • Allowed values: normal, busy, congestion, no_answer, timeout, rejected, unallocated, normal_unspecified, number_incomplete, codec_mismatch, interworking, failure, answered_elsewhere

Error Responses

  • 400 - Invalid reason for hangup provided
  • 404 - Channel not found


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/continue

Exit application; continue execution in the dialplan.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • context: string - The context to continue to.
  • extension: string - The extension to continue to.
  • priority: int - The priority to continue to.
  • label: string - The label to continue to - will supersede 'priority' if both are provided.

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 13.26.0, 16.3.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/move

Move the channel from one Stasis application to another.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • app: string - (required) The channel will be passed to this Stasis application.
  • appArgs: string - The application arguments to pass to the Stasis application provided by 'app'.

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application


Since: 13.3.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/redirect

Redirect the channel to a different location.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • endpoint: string - (required) The endpoint to redirect the channel to

Error Responses

  • 400 - Endpoint parameter not provided
  • 404 - Channel or endpoint not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 422 - Endpoint is not the same type as the channel
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/answer

Answer a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/ring

Indicate ringing to a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

DELETE /channels/{channelId}/ring

Stop ringing indication on a channel if locally generated.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/dtmf

Send provided DTMF to a given channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • dtmf: string - DTMF To send.
  • before: int - Amount of time to wait before DTMF digits (specified in milliseconds) start.
  • between: int - Amount of time in between DTMF digits (specified in milliseconds).
    • Default: 100
  • duration: int - Length of each DTMF digit (specified in milliseconds).
    • Default: 100
  • after: int - Amount of time to wait after DTMF digits (specified in milliseconds) end.

Error Responses

  • 400 - DTMF is required
  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/mute

Mute a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • direction: string - Direction in which to mute audio
    • Default: both
    • Allowed values: both, in, out

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

DELETE /channels/{channelId}/mute

Unmute a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • direction: string - Direction in which to unmute audio
    • Default: both
    • Allowed values: both, in, out

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/hold

Hold a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

DELETE /channels/{channelId}/hold

Remove a channel from hold.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/moh

Play music on hold to a channel. Using media operations such as /play on a channel playing MOH in this manner will suspend MOH without resuming automatically. If continuing music on hold is desired, the stasis application must reinitiate music on hold.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • mohClass: string - Music on hold class to use

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

DELETE /channels/{channelId}/moh

Stop playing music on hold to a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/silence

Play silence to a channel. Using media operations such as /play on a channel playing silence in this manner will suspend silence without resuming automatically.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

DELETE /channels/{channelId}/silence

Stop playing silence to a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/play

Start playback of media. The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound:, recording:, number:, digits:, characters:, and tone: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.)

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • media: string - (required) Media URIs to play.
    • Allows comma separated values.
  • lang: string - For sounds, selects language for sound.
  • offsetms: int - Number of milliseconds to skip before playing. Only applies to the first URI if multiple media URIs are specified.
  • skipms: int - Number of milliseconds to skip for forward/reverse operations.
    • Default: 3000
  • playbackId: string - Playback ID.

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.2.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/play/{playbackId}

Start playback of media and specify the playbackId. The media URI may be any of a number of URI's. Currently sound:, recording:, number:, digits:, characters:, and tone: URI's are supported. This operation creates a playback resource that can be used to control the playback of media (pause, rewind, fast forward, etc.)

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id * playbackId: string - Playback ID.

Query parameters

  • media: string - (required) Media URIs to play.
    • Allows comma separated values.
  • lang: string - For sounds, selects language for sound.
  • offsetms: int - Number of milliseconds to skip before playing. Only applies to the first URI if multiple media URIs are specified.
  • skipms: int - Number of milliseconds to skip for forward/reverse operations.
    • Default: 3000

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/record

Start a recording. Record audio from a channel. Note that this will not capture audio sent to the channel. The bridge itself has a record feature if that's what you want.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • name: string - (required) Recording's filename
  • format: string - (required) Format to encode audio in
  • maxDurationSeconds: int - Maximum duration of the recording, in seconds. 0 for no limit
    • Allowed range: Min: 0; Max: None
  • maxSilenceSeconds: int - Maximum duration of silence, in seconds. 0 for no limit
    • Allowed range: Min: 0; Max: None
  • ifExists: string - Action to take if a recording with the same name already exists.
    • Default: fail
    • Allowed values: fail, overwrite, append
  • beep: boolean - Play beep when recording begins
  • terminateOn: string - DTMF input to terminate recording
    • Default: none
    • Allowed values: none, any, *, #

Error Responses

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel is not in a Stasis application; the channel is currently bridged with other hcannels; A recording with the same name already exists on the system and can not be overwritten because it is in progress or ifExists=fail
  • 422 - The format specified is unknown on this system


Since: 12.0.0

GET /channels/{channelId}/variable

Get the value of a channel variable or function.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • variable: string - (required) The channel variable or function to get

Error Responses

  • 400 - Missing variable parameter.
  • 404 - Channel or variable not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/variable

Set the value of a channel variable or function.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • variable: string - (required) The channel variable or function to set
  • value: string - The value to set the variable to

Error Responses

  • 400 - Missing variable parameter.
  • 404 - Channel not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application


Since: 12.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/snoop

Start snooping. Snoop (spy/whisper) on a specific channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • spy: string - Direction of audio to spy on
    • Default: none
    • Allowed values: none, both, out, in
  • whisper: string - Direction of audio to whisper into
    • Default: none
    • Allowed values: none, both, out, in
  • app: string - (required) Application the snooping channel is placed into
  • appArgs: string - The application arguments to pass to the Stasis application
  • snoopId: string - Unique ID to assign to snooping channel

Error Responses

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 404 - Channel not found


Since: 12.2.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/snoop/{snoopId}

Start snooping. Snoop (spy/whisper) on a specific channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id * snoopId: string - Unique ID to assign to snooping channel

Query parameters

  • spy: string - Direction of audio to spy on
    • Default: none
    • Allowed values: none, both, out, in
  • whisper: string - Direction of audio to whisper into
    • Default: none
    • Allowed values: none, both, out, in
  • app: string - (required) Application the snooping channel is placed into
  • appArgs: string - The application arguments to pass to the Stasis application

Error Responses

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 404 - Channel not found


Since: 14.0.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/dial

Dial a created channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • caller: string - Channel ID of caller
  • timeout: int - Dial timeout
    • Allowed range: Min: 0; Max: None

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel cannot be found.
  • 409 - Channel cannot be dialed.


Since: 13.27.0, 16.4.0

GET /channels/{channelId}/rtp_statistics

RTP stats on a channel.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Error Responses

  • 404 - Channel cannot be found.


Since: 16.6.0, 17.1.0

POST /channels/externalMedia

Start an External Media session. Create a channel to an External Media source/sink.

Query parameters

  • channelId: string - The unique id to assign the channel on creation.
  • app: string - (required) Stasis Application to place channel into
  • external_host: string - (required) Hostname/ip:port of external host
  • encapsulation: string - Payload encapsulation protocol
    • Default: rtp
    • Allowed values: rtp, audiosocket
  • transport: string - Transport protocol
    • Default: udp
    • Allowed values: udp, tcp
  • connection_type: string - Connection type (client/server)
    • Default: client
    • Allowed values: client
  • format: string - (required) Format to encode audio in
  • direction: string - External media direction
    • Default: both
    • Allowed values: both
  • data: string - An arbitrary data field

Body parameter

  • variables: containers - The "variables" key in the body object holds variable key/value pairs to set on the channel on creation. Other keys in the body object are interpreted as query parameters. Ex. { "endpoint": "SIP/Alice", "variables": { "CALLERID(name)": "Alice" } }

Error Responses

  • 400 - Invalid parameters
  • 409 - Channel is not in a Stasis application; Channel is already bridged


Since: 22.3.0, 21.8.0, 20.13.0

POST /channels/{channelId}/transfer_progress

Inform the channel about the progress of the attended/blind transfer.

Path parameters

Parameters are case-sensitive. * channelId: string - Channel's id

Query parameters

  • states: string - (required) The state of the progress

Error Responses

  • 400 - Endpoint parameter not provided
  • 404 - Channel or endpoint not found
  • 409 - Channel not in a Stasis application
  • 412 - Channel in invalid state