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Once configured these features can be activated with only a few or even one keypress on a user's phone. They are often called "one-touch" or "one-step" features.

All of the features are configured via options in the featuremap section of features.conf and require arguments to be passed to the applications invoking the target channel.

Available Features

  • automon - (One-touch Recording) Asterisk will invoke Monitor on the current channel.
  • automixmon - (One-touch Recording) Has the same behavior as automon, but uses MixMonitor instead of Monitor.
  • disconnect - (One-touch Disconnect) When this code is detected on a channel that channel will be immediately hung up.
  • parkcall - (One-touch Parking) Sets a feature code for quickly parking a call.
    • Most parking options and behavior are configured in res_parking.conf in Asterisk 12 and newer.

Enabling the Features

Configuration of features.conf

The options are configured in features.conf in the featuremap section. They use typical Asterisk configuration file syntax.


automon = \*1
automixmon = \*3
disconnect = \*0
parkcall = #72

Assign each option the DTMF character string that you want users to enter for invoking the feature.

Dialplan application options

For each feature there are a pair of options that can be set in the Dial or Queue applications. The two options enable the feature on either the calling party channel or the called party channel.


If neither option of a pair are set then you will not be able to use the related feature on the channel.


  • W - Allow the calling party to enable recording of the call.
  • w - Allow the called party to enable recording of the call.


  • X - Allow the calling party to enable recording of the call.
  • x - Allow the called party to enable recording of the call.


  • H - Allow the calling party to hang up the channel.
  • h - Allow the called party to hang up the channel.


  • K - Allow the calling party to enable parking of the call.
  • k - Allow the called party to enable parking of the call.

Example usage

Set the option as you would any application option.


exten = 101,1,Dial(PJSIP/ALICE,30,X)

This would allow the calling party, the party dialing PJSIP/ALICE, to invoke recording on the channel.

Using the Feature

One you have configured features.conf and the options in the application then you only have to enter the feature code on your phone's keypad during a call!