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cdr: Call Detail Record configuration

This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by cdr.


CDR is Call Detail Record, which provides logging services via a variety of pluggable backend modules. Detailed call information can be recorded to databases, files, etc. Useful for billing, fraud prevention, compliance with Sarbanes-Oxley aka The Enron Act, QOS evaluations, and more.

Configuration File: cdr.conf

[general]: Global settings applied to the CDR engine.

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
batch Boolean 0 false Submit CDRs to the backends for processing in batches
channeldefaultenabled Boolean 1 false Whether CDR is enabled on a channel by default
congestion Boolean false Log congested calls.
debug Boolean false Enable/disable verbose CDR debugging.
enable Boolean 1 false Enable/disable CDR logging.
endbeforehexten Boolean 1 false Don't produce CDRs while executing hangup logic
ignoredialchanges Boolean 0 false Whether CDR is updated or forked by dial updates.
ignorestatechanges Boolean 0 false Whether CDR is updated or forked by bridging changes.
initiatedseconds Boolean 0 false Count microseconds for billsec purposes
safeshutdown Boolean 1 false Block shutdown of Asterisk until CDRs are submitted
scheduleronly Boolean 0 false Post batched CDRs on their own thread instead of the scheduler
size Unsigned Integer 100 false The maximum number of CDRs to accumulate before triggering a batch
time Unsigned Integer 300 false The maximum time to accumulate CDRs before triggering a batch
unanswered Boolean 0 false Log calls that are never answered and don't set an outgoing party.

Configuration Option Descriptions


Define the CDR batch mode, where instead of posting the CDR at the end of every call, the data will be stored in a buffer to help alleviate load on the asterisk server.


Use of batch mode may result in data loss after unsafe asterisk termination, i.e., software crash, power failure, kill -9, etc.


Define whether or not CDR should be enabled on a channel by default. Setting this to "yes" will enable CDR on every channel unless it is explicitly disabled. Setting this to "no" will disable CDR on every channel unless it is explicitly enabled.

Note that CDR must still be globally enabled ( 'enable = yes') for this option to have any effect. This only applies to whether CDR is enabled or disabled on newly created channels, which can be changed in the dialplan during a call.

If this is set to "yes", you should use 'Set(CDR_PROP(disable)=1)' to disable CDR for a call.

If this is set to "no", you should use 'Set(CDR_PROP(disable)=0)' to undisable (enable) CDR for a call.


Define whether or not to log congested calls. Setting this to "yes" will report each call that fails to complete due to congestion conditions.


When set to 'True', verbose updates of changes in CDR information will be logged. Note that this is only of use when debugging CDR behavior.


Define whether or not to use CDR logging. Setting this to "no" will override any loading of backend CDR modules.


As each CDR for a channel is finished, its end time is updated and the CDR is finalized. When a channel is hung up and hangup logic is present (in the form of a hangup handler or the 'h' extension), a new CDR is generated for the channel. Any statistics are gathered from this new CDR. By enabling this option, no new CDR is created for the dialplan logic that is executed in 'h' extensions or attached hangup handler subroutines. The default value is 'yes', indicating that a CDR will be generated during hangup logic.


Define whether or not CDR should be updated by dial updates.

If this is set to "no", a single CDR will be used for the channel, even if multiple endpoints or destinations are dialed sequentially. Note that you will also lose detailed nonanswer dial dispositions if this option is enabled, which may not be acceptable, e.g. instead of detailed no-answer dispositions like BUSY and CONGESTION, the disposition will always be NO ANSWER if the channel was unanswered (it will still be ANSWERED if the channel was answered).

This option should be enabled if a single CDR is desired for the lifetime of the channel.


Define whether or not CDR should be updated by bridging changes. This includes entering and leaving bridges and call parking.

If this is set to "no", bridging changes will be ignored for all CDRs. This should only be done if these events should not affect CDRs and are undesired, such as to use a single CDR for the lifetime of the channel.

This setting cannot be changed on a reload.


Normally, the 'billsec' field logged to the CDR backends is simply the end time (hangup time) minus the answer time in seconds. Internally, asterisk stores the time in terms of microseconds and seconds. By setting initiatedseconds to 'yes', you can force asterisk to report any seconds that were initiated (a sort of round up method). Technically, this is when the microsecond part of the end time is greater than the microsecond part of the answer time, then the billsec time is incremented one second.


When shutting down asterisk, you can block until the CDRs are submitted. If you don't, then data will likely be lost. You can always check the size of the CDR batch buffer with the CLI cdr status command. To enable blocking on submission of CDR data during asterisk shutdown, set this to 'yes'.


The CDR engine uses the internal asterisk scheduler to determine when to post records. Posting can either occur inside the scheduler thread, or a new thread can be spawned for the submission of every batch. For small batches, it might be acceptable to just use the scheduler thread, so set this to 'yes'. For large batches, say anything over size=10, a new thread is recommended, so set this to 'no'.


Define the maximum number of CDRs to accumulate in the buffer before posting them to the backend engines. batch must be set to 'yes'.


Define the maximum time to accumulate CDRs before posting them in a batch to the backend engines. If this time limit is reached, then it will post the records, regardless of the value defined for size. batch must be set to 'yes'.


Time is expressed in seconds.


Define whether or not to log unanswered calls that don't involve an outgoing party. Setting this to "yes" will make calls to extensions that don't answer and don't set a side B channel (such as by using the Dial application) receive CDR log entries. If this option is set to "no", then those log entries will not be created. Unanswered calls which get offered to an outgoing line will always receive log entries regardless of this option, and that is the intended behavior.

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT