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res_ari: HTTP binding for the Stasis API

This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by res_ari.

Configuration File: ari.conf

[general]: General configuration settings

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
allowed_origins String false Comma separated list of allowed origins, for Cross-Origin Resource Sharing. May be set to * to allow all origins.
auth_realm String Asterisk REST Interface false Realm to use for authentication. Defaults to Asterisk REST Interface.
channelvars Custom false Comma separated list of channel variables to display in channel json.
enabled Boolean yes false Enable/disable the ARI module
pretty Custom no false Responses from ARI are formatted to be human readable
websocket_write_timeout Integer 100 false The timeout (in milliseconds) to set on WebSocket connections.

Configuration Option Descriptions


This option enables or disables the ARI module.


ARI uses Asterisk's HTTP server, which must also be enabled in http.conf.


If a websocket connection accepts input slowly, the timeout for writes to it can be increased to keep it from being disconnected. Value is in milliseconds.

[user]: Per-user configuration settings

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
password String false Crypted or plaintext password (see password_format)
password_format Custom plain false password_format may be set to plain (the default) or crypt. When set to crypt, crypt(3) is used to validate the password. A crypted password can be generated using mkpasswd -m sha-512. When set to plain, the password is in plaintext
read_only Boolean no false When set to yes, user is only authorized for read-only requests
type None false Define this configuration section as a user.

Configuration Option Descriptions

  • user - Configure this section as a user

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT