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res_pjsip_outbound_publish: SIP resource for outbound publish

This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by res_pjsip_outbound_publish.


Outbound Publish

This module allows 'res_pjsip' to publish to other SIP servers.

Configuration File: pjsip.conf

[outbound-publish]: The configuration for outbound publish

Publish is COMPLETELY separate from the rest of 'pjsip.conf'. A minimal configuration consists of setting a 'server_uri' and 'event'.

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
event String false Event type of the PUBLISH.
expiration Unsigned Integer 3600 false Expiration time for publications in seconds
from_uri String false SIP URI to use in the From header
max_auth_attempts Unsigned Integer 5 false Maximum number of authentication attempts before stopping the publication.
multi_user Boolean no false Enable multi-user support
outbound_auth Custom false Authentication object(s) to be used for outbound publishes.
outbound_proxy String false Full SIP URI of the outbound proxy used to send publishes
server_uri String false SIP URI of the server and entity to publish to
to_uri String false SIP URI to use in the To header
transport String false Transport used for outbound publish
type None false Must be of type 'outbound-publish'.

Configuration Option Descriptions


This is the URI that will be placed into the From header of outgoing PUBLISH messages. If no URI is specified then the URI provided in 'server_uri' will be used.


When enabled the user portion of the server uri is replaced by a dynamically created user


This is a comma-delimited list of auth sections defined in pjsip.conf used to respond to outbound authentication challenges.


Using the same auth section for inbound and outbound authentication is not recommended. There is a difference in meaning for an empty realm setting between inbound and outbound authentication uses. See the auth realm description for details.


This is the URI at which to find the entity and server to send the outbound PUBLISH to. This URI is used as the request URI of the outbound PUBLISH request from Asterisk.


This is the URI that will be placed into the To header of outgoing PUBLISH messages. If no URI is specified then the URI provided in 'server_uri' will be used.



A transport configured in 'pjsip.conf'. As with other 'res_pjsip' modules, this will use the first available transport of the appropriate type if unconfigured.

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT