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res_pjsip_outbound_registration: SIP resource for outbound registrations

This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by res_pjsip_outbound_registration.


Outbound Registration

This module allows 'res_pjsip' to register to other SIP servers.

Configuration File: pjsip.conf

[registration]: The configuration for outbound registration

Registration is COMPLETELY separate from the rest of 'pjsip.conf'. A minimal configuration consists of setting a 'server_uri'and a 'client_uri'.

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
auth_rejection_permanent Boolean yes false Determines whether failed authentication challenges are treated as permanent failures.
client_uri String false Client SIP URI used when attemping outbound registration
contact_header_params String false Header parameters to place in the Contact header
contact_user String false Contact User to use in request. If this value is not set, this defaults to 's'
endpoint String false Endpoint to use for incoming related calls
expiration Unsigned Integer 3600 false Expiration time for registrations in seconds
fatal_retry_interval Unsigned Integer 0 false Interval used when receiving a Fatal response.
forbidden_retry_interval Unsigned Integer 0 false Interval used when receiving a 403 Forbidden response.
line Boolean no false Whether to add a 'line' parameter to the Contact for inbound call matching
max_random_initial_delay Unsigned Integer 10 false Maximum interval in seconds for which an initial registration may be randomly delayed
max_retries Unsigned Integer 10 false Maximum number of registration attempts.
outbound_auth Custom false Authentication object(s) to be used for outbound registrations.
outbound_proxy String false Full SIP URI of the outbound proxy used to send registrations
retry_interval Unsigned Integer 60 false Interval in seconds between retries if outbound registration is unsuccessful
security_mechanisms Custom false List of security mechanisms supported.
security_negotiation Custom no false The kind of security agreement negotiation to use. Currently, only mediasec is supported.
server_uri String false SIP URI of the server to register against
support_outbound Boolean no false Enables advertising SIP Outbound support (RFC5626) for outbound REGISTER requests.
support_path Boolean no false Enables advertising SIP Path support for outbound REGISTER requests.
transport String false Transport used for outbound authentication
type None false Must be of type 'registration'.

Configuration Option Descriptions


If this option is enabled and an authentication challenge fails, registration will not be attempted again until the configuration is reloaded.


This is the address-of-record for the outbound registration (i.e. the URI in the To header of the REGISTER).

For registration with an ITSP, the client SIP URI may need to consist of an account name or number and the provider's hostname for their registrar, e.g. This may differ between providers.

For registration to generic registrars, the client SIP URI will depend on networking specifics and configuration of the registrar.


When line support is enabled this configured endpoint name is used for incoming calls that are related to the outbound registration.


If a fatal response is received, chan_pjsip will wait fatal_retry_interval seconds before attempting registration again. If 0 is specified, chan_pjsip will not retry after receiving a fatal (non-temporary 4xx, 5xx, 6xx) response. Setting this to a non-zero value may go against a "SHOULD NOT" in RFC3261, but can be used to work around buggy registrars.


if also set the forbidden_retry_interval takes precedence over this one when a 403 is received. Also, if auth_rejection_permanent equals 'yes' then a 401 and 407 become subject to this retry interval.


If a 403 Forbidden is received, chan_pjsip will wait forbidden_retry_interval seconds before attempting registration again. If 0 is specified, chan_pjsip will not retry after receiving a 403 Forbidden response. Setting this to a non-zero value goes against a "SHOULD NOT" in RFC3261, but can be used to work around buggy registrars.


When enabled this option will cause a 'line' parameter to be added to the Contact header placed into the outgoing registration request. If the remote server sends a call this line parameter will be used to establish a relationship to the outbound registration, ultimately causing the configured endpoint to be used.


By default, registrations are randomly delayed by a small amount to prevent too many registrations from being made simultaneously.

Depending on your system usage, it may be desirable to set this to a smaller or larger value to have fine grained control over the size of this random delay.


This sets the maximum number of registration attempts that are made before stopping any further attempts. If set to 0 then upon failure no further attempts are made.


This is a comma-delimited list of auth sections defined in pjsip.conf used to respond to outbound authentication challenges.


Using the same auth section for inbound and outbound authentication is not recommended. There is a difference in meaning for an empty realm setting between inbound and outbound authentication uses. See the auth realm description for details.


This is a comma-delimited list of security mechanisms to use. Each security mechanism must be in the form defined by RFC 3329 section 2.2.

  • no

  • mediasec


This is the URI at which to find the registrar to send the outbound REGISTER. This URI is used as the request URI of the outbound REGISTER request from Asterisk.

For registration with an ITSP, the setting may often be just the domain of the registrar, e.g.


When this option is enabled, outbound REGISTER requests will advertise support for Path headers so that intervening proxies can add to the Path header as necessary.



A transport configured in 'pjsip.conf'. As with other 'res_pjsip' modules, this will use the first available transport of the appropriate type if unconfigured.

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT