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res_xmpp: XMPP Messaging

This configuration documentation is for functionality provided by res_xmpp.

Configuration File: xmpp.conf

[global]: Global configuration settings

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
auth_policy Whether to automatically accept or deny users' subscription requests
autoprune Auto-remove users from buddy list.
autoregister Auto-register users from buddy list
collection_nodes Enable support for XEP-0248 for use with distributed device state
debug Enable/disable XMPP message debugging
pubsub_autocreate Whether or not the PubSub server supports/is using auto-create for nodes

Configuration Option Descriptions


Auto-remove users from buddy list. Depending on the setup (e.g., using your personal Gtalk account for a test) this could cause loss of the contact list.

[client]: Configuration options for an XMPP client

Configuration Option Reference

Option Name Type Default Value Regular Expression Description
auth_policy Whether to automatically accept or deny users' subscription requests
autoprune Auto-remove users from buddy list.
autoregister Auto-register users bfrom buddy list
buddy Manual addition of buddy to list
context Dialplan context to send incoming messages to
debug Enable debugging
distribute_events Whether or not to distribute events using this connection
forceoldssl Force the use of old-style SSL for the connection
keepalive If enabled, periodically send an XMPP message from this client with an empty message
oauth_clientid Google OAuth 2.0 application's client id
oauth_secret Google OAuth 2.0 application's secret
port XMPP server port
priority XMPP resource priority
pubsub_node Node for publishing events via PubSub
refresh_token Google OAuth 2.0 refresh token
secret XMPP password
sendtodialplan Send incoming messages into the dialplan
serverhost Route to server, e.g.
status Default XMPP status for the client
statusmessage Custom status message
timeout Timeout in seconds to hold incoming messages
type Connection is either a client or a component
username XMPP username with optional resource
usesasl Whether to use SASL for the connection or not
usetls Whether to use TLS for the connection or not

Configuration Option Descriptions


Auto-remove users from buddy list. Depending on the setup (e.g., using your personal Gtalk account for a test) this could cause loss of the contact list.


Manual addition of buddy to the buddy list. For distributed events, these buddies are automatically added in the whitelist as 'owners' of the node(s).


Can be one of the following XMPP statuses:

  • chat

  • available

  • away

  • xaway

  • dnd


Timeout (in seconds) on the message stack. Messages stored longer than this value will be deleted by Asterisk. This option applies to incoming messages only which are intended to be processed by the 'JABBER_RECEIVE' dialplan function.

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT