Mobile Channel Debugging

Different phone manufacturers have different interpretations of the Bluetooth Handsfree Profile Spec. This means that not all phones work the same way, particularly in the connection setup / initialisation sequence. I've tried to make chan_mobile as general as possible, but it may need modification to support some phone i've never tested.

Some phones, most notably Sony Ericsson 'T' series, dont quite conform to the Bluetooth HFP spec. chan_mobile will detect these and adapt accordingly. The T-610 and T-630 have been tested and work fine.

If your phone doesnt behave has expected, turn on Asterisk debugging with 'core set debug 1'.

This will log a bunch of debug messages indicating what the phone is doing, importantly the rfcomm conversation between Asterisk and the phone. This can be used to sort out what your phone is doing and make chan_mobile support it.

Be aware also, that just about all mobile phones behave differently. For example my LG TU500 wont dial unless the phone is a the 'idle' screen. i.e. if the phone is showing a 'menu' on the display, when you dial via Asterisk, the call will not work. chan_mobile handles this, but there may be other phones that do other things too...

Important: Watch what your mobile phone is doing the first few times. Asterisk wont make random calls but if chan_mobile fails to hangup for some reason and you get a huge bill from your telco, dont blame me