Include Statements Basics

To set the stage for our explanation of include statements, let's say that we want to organize our dialplan and create a new context called features. We'll leave our extensions 6001 and 6002 for Alice and Bob in the users context, and place extensions such as 6500 in the new features context. When calls come into the users context and doesn't find a matching extension, the include statement tells Asterisk to also look in the new features context.

The syntax for an include statement is very simple. You simply write include => and then the name of the context you'd like to include from the existing context. If we reorganize our dialplan to add a features context, it might look something like this:

include => features

exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/demo-alice,20)
 same => n,VoiceMail(6001@vm-demo,u)

exten => 6002,1,Dial(SIP/demo-bob,20)
 same => n,VoiceMail(6002@vm-demo,u)

exten => 6000,1,Answer(500)
 same => n,Playback(hello-world)
 same => n,Hangup()

exten => 6500,1,Answer(500)
 same => n,VoiceMailMain(@vm-demo)

!!! tip Location of Include Statements** Please note that in the example above, we placed the include statement before extensions 6001 and **6002 . It could have just as well come after.

!!! warning Be careful with overlapping patterns/extensions Because Asterisk doesn't stop processing the dialplan after the first matching extension is found, always ensure that you don't have overlapping patterns or duplicate extensions among included contexts, or else you'll get an unexpected behavior.

How calling 6001 may go wrong

include => features
include => catchall

exten => 6001,1,Dial(SIP/demo-alice,20) ; <- Priority 1
 same => n,VoiceMail(6001@vm-demo,u) ; <- Priority 2

exten => 6002,1,Dial(SIP/demo-bob,20)
 same => n,VoiceMail(6002@vm-demo,u)

exten => 6000,1,Answer(500)
 same => n,Playback(hello-world)
 same => n,Hangup()
exten => 6500,1,Answer(500)
 same => n,VoiceMailMain(@vm-demo)

exten => _.,1,NoOp();
exten => _.,2,NoOp();
exten => _.,3,NoOp(); ; <- Priority 3 ends up being here, which is NOT what you want  
