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title: ARI and Bridges: Holding Bridges pageid: 29396218

Holding Bridges

Holding bridges are a special type of bridge in Asterisk. The purpose of a holding bridge is to provide a consistent way to place channels when you want the person on the other end of the channel to wait. Asterisk will mix the media to the channel depending on the type of role the channel has within the bridge. Two types of roles are supported:

  • participant - the default role for channels in a holding bridge. Media from the bridge is played directly to the channels; however, media from the channels is not played to any other participant.
  • announcer - if a channel joins a holding bridge as an announcer, the bridge will not play media to the channel. However, all media from the channel will be played to all participant channels in the bridge simultaneously.

Adding a channel as a participant

To add a channel as a participant to a holding bridge, you can either not specify a role (as the participant role is the default role for holding bridges), or you can specify the participant role directly:

POST /bridges/{bridge_id}/addChannel?channel=12345
POST /bridges/{bridge_id}/addChannel?channel=12345&role=participant

On This PageAdding a channel as an announcer

To add a channel as an announcer to a holding bridge, you must specify a role of announcer:

POST /bridges/{bridge_id}/addChannel?channel=56789&role=announcer

!!! tip When is an Announcer channel useful? If you want to simply play back a media file to all participants in a holding bridge, e.g., "your call is important to us, please keep waiting", you can simply initiate a /play operation on the holding bridge itself. That will perform a playback to all participants in the same fashion as an announcer channel.

An announcer channel is particularly useful when there is someone actually on the other end of the channel, as opposed to a pre-recorded message. For example, you may have a call queue supervisor who wants to let everyone who is waiting for an agent that response times are especially long, but to hold on for a bit longer. Jumping into the holding bridge as an announcer adds a small bit of humanity to the dreaded call queue experience!

Music on hold, media playback, recording, and other such things

When dealing with holding bridges, given the particular media rules and channel roles involves, there are some additional catches that you have to be aware when manipulating the bridge:

  1. Playing music on hold to the bridge will play it for all participants, as well playing media to the bridge. However, you can only do one of those operations - you cannot play media to a holding bridge while you are simultaneously playing music on hold to the bridge. Initiating a /play operation on a holding bridge should only be done after stopping the music on hold; likewise, starting music on hold on a bridge with a /play operation currently in progress will fail.
  2. Recording a holding bridge - while possible - is not terribly interesting. Participant media is dropped - so at best, you'll only record the entertainment that was played to the participants.

There can be only one!

You cannot have an announcer channel in a holding bridge at the same time that you perform a play operation or have music on hold playing to the bridge. Holding bridges do not mix the media between announcers. Since media from the play operation has to go to all participants, as does your announcer channel's media, the holding bridge will become quite confused about your application's intent.

Example: Infinite wait area

Now that we all know that holding bridges are perfect for building what many callers fear - the dreaded waiting area of doom - let's make one! This example ARI application will do the following:

  1. When a channel enters into the Stasis application, it will be put into a existing holding bridge or a newly created one if none exist.
  2. Music on hold will be played on the bridge.
  3. Periodically, the thnk-u-for-patience sound will be played to the bridge thanking the users for their patience, which they will need since this holding bridge will never progress beyond this point!
  4. When a channel leaves a holding bridge, if no other channels remain, the bridge will be destroyed.

This example will use a similar structure to the bridge-hold python example. Unlike that example, however, it will use some form of a timer to perform our periodic announcement to the holding bridge, and when all the channels have left the infinite wait area, we'll destroy the holding bridge (cleaning up resources is always good!)


For this example, we need to just drop the channel into Stasis, specifying our application:


exten => 1000,1,NoOp()
 same => n,Stasis(bridge-infinite-wait)
 same => n,Hangup()


When a channel enters our Stasis application, we first look for an existing holding bridge or create one if none is found. When we create a new bridge, we start music on hold in the bridge and create a timer that will call a callback after 30 seconds. That callback temporarily stops the music on hold, and starts a play operation on the bridge that thanks everyone for their patience. When the play operation finishes, it resumes music on hold.

# find or create a holding bridge
holding_bridge = None

# Announcer timer
announcer_timer = None

def find_or_create_bridge():
 """Find our infinite wait bridge, or create a new one

 The one and only holding bridge

 global holding_bridge
 global announcer_timer

 if holding_bridge:
 return holding_bridge

 bridges = [candidate for candidate in client.bridges.list() if
 candidate.json['bridge_type'] == 'holding']
 if bridges:
 bridge = bridges[0]
 print "Using bridge %s" %
 bridge = client.bridges.create(type='holding')
 print "Created bridge %s" %

 def play_announcement(bridge):
 """Play an announcement to the bridge"""

 def on_playback_finished(playback, ev):
 """Handler for the announcement's PlaybackFinished event"""
 global announcer_timer
 global holding_bridge


 announcer_timer = threading.Timer(30, play_announcement,

 print "Letting the everyone know we care..."
 thanks_playback ='sound:thnk-u-for-patience')
 thanks_playback.on_event('PlaybackFinished', on_playback_finished)

 holding_bridge = bridge
 holding_bridge.on_event('ChannelLeftBridge', on_channel_left_bridge)
 # After 30 seconds, let everyone in the bridge know that we care
 announcer_timer = threading.Timer(30, play_announcement, [holding_bridge])
 return bridge

The function that does this work, find_or_create_bridge, is called from our StasisStart event handler. The bridge that it returns will have the new channel added to it.

def stasis_start_cb(channel_obj, ev):
 """Handler for StasisStart event"""

 bridge = find_or_create_bridge()

 channel = channel_obj.get('channel')
 print "Channel %s just entered our application, adding it to bridge %s" % (


In the find_or_create_bridge function, we also subscribed for the ChannelLeftBridge event. We'll add a callback handler for this in that function as well. When the channel leaves the bridge, we'll check to see if there are no more channels in the bridge and - if so - destroy the bridge.

def on_channel_left_bridge(bridge, ev):
 """Handler for ChannelLeftBridge event"""
 global holding_bridge
 global announcer_timer

 channel = ev.get('channel')
 channel_count = len(bridge.json.get('channels'))

 print "Channel %s left bridge %s" % (channel.get('name'),
 if == and channel_count == 0:
 if announcer_timer:
 announcer_timer = None

 print "Destroying bridge %s" %
 holding_bridge = None

The full source code for is shown below:

#!/usr/bin/env python

import ari
import logging
import threading


client = ari.connect('http://localhost:8088', 'asterisk', 'asterisk')

# find or create a holding bridge
holding_bridge = None

# Announcer timer
announcer_timer = None

def find_or_create_bridge():
 """Find our infinite wait bridge, or create a new one

 The one and only holding bridge

 global holding_bridge
 global announcer_timer

 if holding_bridge:
 return holding_bridge

 bridges = [candidate for candidate in client.bridges.list() if
 candidate.json['bridge_type'] == 'holding']
 if bridges:
 bridge = bridges[0]
 print "Using bridge %s" %
 bridge = client.bridges.create(type='holding')
 print "Created bridge %s" %

 def play_announcement(bridge):
 """Play an announcement to the bridge"""

 def on_playback_finished(playback, ev):
 """Handler for the announcement's PlaybackFinished event"""
 global announcer_timer
 global holding_bridge


 announcer_timer = threading.Timer(30, play_announcement,

 print "Letting the everyone know we care..."
 thanks_playback ='sound:thnk-u-for-patience')
 thanks_playback.on_event('PlaybackFinished', on_playback_finished)

 def on_channel_left_bridge(bridge, ev):
 """Handler for ChannelLeftBridge event"""
 global holding_bridge
 global announcer_timer

 channel = ev.get('channel')
 channel_count = len(bridge.json.get('channels'))

 print "Channel %s left bridge %s" % (channel.get('name'),
 if == and channel_count == 0:
 if announcer_timer:
 announcer_timer = None

 print "Destroying bridge %s" %
 holding_bridge = None

 holding_bridge = bridge
 holding_bridge.on_event('ChannelLeftBridge', on_channel_left_bridge)

 # After 30 seconds, let everyone in the bridge know that we care
 announcer_timer = threading.Timer(30, play_announcement, [holding_bridge])

 return bridge

def stasis_start_cb(channel_obj, ev):
 """Handler for StasisStart event"""

 bridge = find_or_create_bridge()

 channel = channel_obj.get('channel')
 print "Channel %s just entered our application, adding it to bridge %s" % (


def stasis_end_cb(channel, ev):
 """Handler for StasisEnd event"""

 print "Channel %s just left our application" % channel.json.get('name')

client.on_channel_event('StasisStart', stasis_start_cb)
client.on_channel_event('StasisEnd', stasis_end_cb)'bridge-infinite-wait') in action

Created bridge 950c4805-c33c-4895-ad9a-2798055e4939
Channel PJSIP/alice-00000000 just entered our application, adding it to bridge 950c4805-c33c-4895-ad9a-2798055e4939
Letting the everyone know we care...
Channel PJSIP/alice-00000000 left bridge 950c4805-c33c-4895-ad9a-2798055e4939
Destroying bridge 950c4805-c33c-4895-ad9a-2798055e4939
Channel PJSIP/alice-00000000 just left our application

JavaScript (Node.js)

When a channel enters our Stasis application, we first look for an existing holding bridge or create one if none is found. When we create a new bridge, we start music on hold in the bridge and create a timer that will call a callback after 30 seconds. That callback temporarily stops the music on hold, and starts a play operation on the bridge that thanks everyone for their patience. When the play operation finishes, it resumes music on hold.

In all cases, we add the channel to the bridge via the joinBridge function.

console.log('Channel %s just entered our application',;

 // find or create a holding bridge
 client.bridges.list(function(err, bridges) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 var bridge = bridges.filter(function(candidate) {
 return candidate.bridge_type === 'holding';

 if (bridge) {
 console.log('Using bridge %s',;
 } else {
 client.bridges.create({type: 'holding'}, function(err, newBridge) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 console.log('Created bridge %s',;
 newBridge.startMoh(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 timer = setTimeout(play_announcement, 30000);

 // callback that will let our users know how much we care
 function play_announcement() {
 console.log('Letting everyone know we care...');
 newBridge.stopMoh(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 var playback = client.Playback();{media: 'sound:thnk-u-for-patience'},
 playback, function(err, playback) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 playback.once('PlaybackFinished', function(event, playback) {
 newBridge.startMoh(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 timer = setTimeout(play_announcement, 30000);

The joinBridge function involves registered a callback for the ChannelLeftBridge event and adds the channel to the bridge.

function joinBridge(bridge) {
 channel.once('ChannelLeftBridge', function(event, instances) {
 channelLeftBridge(event, instances, bridge);

 bridge.addChannel({channel:}, function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 channel.answer(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

Notice that we use an anonymous function to pass the bridge as an extra parameter to the ChannelLeftBridge callback so we can keep the handler at the same level as joinBridge and avoid another indentation level of callbacks. Finally, we can handle destroying the bridge when the last channel contained in it has left:

// Handler for ChannelLeftBridge event
 function channelLeftBridge(event, instances, bridge) {
 var holdingBridge = instances.bridge;
 var channel =;

 console.log('Channel %s left bridge %s',,;

 if ( === &&
 holdingBridge.channels.length === 0) {

 if (timer) {

 bridge.destroy(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;


The full source code for bridge-infinite-wait.js is shown below:

/*jshint node:true */
'use strict';

var ari = require('ari-client');
var util = require('util');

var timer = null;
ari.connect('http://localhost:8088', 'asterisk', 'asterisk', clientLoaded);

// handler for client being loaded
function clientLoaded (err, client) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 // handler for StasisStart event
 function stasisStart(event, channel) {
 console.log('Channel %s just entered our application',;

 // find or create a holding bridge
 client.bridges.list(function(err, bridges) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 var bridge = bridges.filter(function(candidate) {
 return candidate.bridge_type === 'holding';

 if (bridge) {
 console.log('Using bridge %s',;
 } else {
 client.bridges.create({type: 'holding'}, function(err, newBridge) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 console.log('Created bridge %s',;
 newBridge.startMoh(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 timer = setTimeout(play_announcement, 30000);

 // callback that will let our users know how much we care
 function play_announcement() {
 console.log('Letting everyone know we care...');
 newBridge.stopMoh(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 var playback = client.Playback();{media: 'sound:thnk-u-for-patience'},
 playback, function(err, playback) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 playback.once('PlaybackFinished', function(event, playback) {
 newBridge.startMoh(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 timer = setTimeout(play_announcement, 30000);

 function joinBridge(bridge) {
 channel.once('ChannelLeftBridge', function(event, instances) {
 channelLeftBridge(event, instances, bridge);

 bridge.addChannel({channel:}, function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;
 channel.answer(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 // Handler for ChannelLeftBridge event
 function channelLeftBridge(event, instances, bridge) {
 var holdingBridge = instances.bridge;
 var channel =;

 console.log('Channel %s left bridge %s',,;

 if ( === &&
 holdingBridge.channels.length === 0) {

 if (timer) {

 bridge.destroy(function(err) {
 if (err) {
 throw err;

 // handler for StasisEnd event
 function stasisEnd(event, channel) {
 console.log('Channel %s just left our application',;

 client.on('StasisStart', stasisStart);
 client.on('StasisEnd', stasisEnd);


bridge-infinite-wait.js in action

The following shows the output of the bridge-infinite-wait.js script when a PJSIP channel for alice enters the application:

Channel PJSIP/alice-00000001 just entered our application
Created bridge 31a4a193-36a7-412b-854b-cf2cf5f90bbd
Letting everyone know we care...
Channel PJSIP/alice-00000001 left bridge 31a4a193-36a7-412b-854b-cf2cf5f90bbd
Channel PJSIP/alice-00000001 just left our application