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This is a draft under construction.

Asterisk 12 chan_pjsip CLI Specification

Here we are specifying what the use and output of each command should look like.

General formatting guidelines:

These are guidelines meant to help readability of the output.

  • 1 blank line before output and after output to separate the output from the prompt (output must begin and end with newlines)
  • 2 spaces before each line of output to separate the output from the left side of terminal
  • For tabulated content there should be 2 spaces between the longest lines in each column.
  • For
  • When listing
  • For listings with more than one column, column names using more than a single word should have no whitespace and use camel case, (e.g. "LastRegTime") for reading clarity.
    • An exception may be made where additional information needs to be expressed. As in "AORs/Contacts" or "Expiry(sec)". We should avoid this where possible.

The general formatting guidelines should override any discrepancies with the mock up output examples.

CLI Command Specifications

pjsip show endpoints