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This page outlines some basic call tests for the new SIP work in Asterisk.

Configuration for Tests

The configuration for these tests will all be made from a basic template. Some tests will require configuration to be added to the template. This will be specified in the test if necessary.



; Place test-specific transport options here


; alice is the caller
; Place alice-specific options here

; bob is the recipient of outbound calls
; Place bob-specific options here


; Place alice-specific auth options here

; Place bob-specific auth options here
; Note: in the first iteration of tests on
; this page, there will never be any bob-specific
; auth options because we do not respond properly
; to auth challenges.


exten => echo,1,Answer()
same => n,Echo()
same => n,Hangup()

exten => playback,1,Answer()
same => n,Playback(hello-world)
same => n,Hangup()

exten => early,1,Progress()
same => n,Playback(hello-world,noanswer)
same => n,Hangup(INTERWORKING)

;This dialstring can be altered once endpoints can be used directly
exten => bob,1,Dial(PJSIP/sip:bob@,10)
same => n,Hangup()

exten => bobv6,1,Dial(PJSIP/sip:bob@[::1]:5062,10)
same => n,Hangup()

Incoming Call tests

Incoming call tests involve a call placed from endpoint "alice" to Asterisk.

Nominal path

All Nominal path tests will be run multiple times. Each iteration of the test is detailed in the table below.

Iteration Transport-specific Data Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data modules.conf additions INVITE details Comment Written?
1 bind= none none none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth Yes
2 bind= auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth Yes
3 bind= auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5 none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth Yes
4 bind= host = none noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth Yes
5 bind= host = = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth Yes
6 bind= host = = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth Yes
7 bind= none none none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth (TCP) Yes
8 bind= auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth (TCP) Yes
9 bind= auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth (TCP) Yes
10 bind= host = none noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth (TCP)
11 bind= host = = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth (TCP)
12 bind= host = = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth (TCP)
13 bind= none none none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth Yes
14 bind= auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth Yes
15 bind= auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth Yes
16 bind= host = none noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth Yes
17 bind= host = = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth Yes
18 bind= host = = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth Yes
19 bind= none none none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth (TCP) Yes
20 bind= auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth (TCP) Yes
21 bind= auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth (TCP) Yes
22 bind= host = none noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth (TCP)
23 bind= host = = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth (TCP)
24 bind= host = = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth (TCP)
25 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp none none none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth (IPv6)
26 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth (IPv6)
27 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth (IPv6)
28 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp host = [::1]:5061 none noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth (IPv6)
29 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth (IPv6)
30 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth (IPv6)
31 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp none none none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth (TCP) (IPv6)
32 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth (TCP) (IPv6)
33 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 none SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth (TCP) (IPv6)
34 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp host = [::1]:5061 none noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth (TCP) (IPv6)
35 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth (TCP) (IPv6)
36 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth (TCP) (IPv6)
37 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp none none none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth (IPv6)
38 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth (IPv6)
39 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth (IPv6)
40 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp host = [::1]:5061 none noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth (IPv6)
41 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth (IPv6)
42 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=udp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth (IPv6)
43 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp none none none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, no auth (TCP) (IPv6)
44 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp auth = alice-auth password = swordfish none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, userpass auth (TCP) (IPv6)
45 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 none No SDP in INVITE Identify by username, md5 auth (TCP) (IPv6)
46 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp host = [::1]:5061 none noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, no auth (TCP) (IPv6)
47 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth password = swordfish noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, userpass auth (TCP) (IPv6)
48 bind=[::1]:5060protocol=tcp host = [::1]:5061auth = alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 noload => No SDP in INVITE Identify by host, md5 auth (TCP) (IPv6)
Test 1: File Playback

Alice places a call to extension playback@default

Pass conditions:
Ensure that the audio reaches Alice properly
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice

Test 2: Echo

Alice places a call to extension echo@default.
Alice plays audio towards Asterisk. The audio is reflected back to her.
After 5 seconds, Alice hangs up.

Pass conditions:
Ensure that audio from Alice reaches Asterisk
Ensure that echoed audio from Asterisk reaches Alice
Ensure that Asterisk responds to Alice's BYE with a 200 OK

Off-nominal paths

All off-nominal tests will need to be run multiple times. Details on each iteration are given below:

Iteration Transport-specific options Comment
1 bind = = udp IPv4 UDP
2 bind = = tcp IPv4 TCP
3 bind = [::1]:5060protocol = udp IPv6 UDP
4 bind = [::1]:5060protocol = tcp IPv6 TCP

Note that if a specific test requires multiple iteration, the total number of test iterations will be the product of the test's number of iteration multiplied by the number of iterations in the above table.

Test 1: Unknown Source

Written: Yes

Carol places a call to extension playback@default

Pass conditions:
Ensure Asterisk sends a 403 to Carol

Test 2: Authentication failure

This test requires several iterations. The differences in each iteration are detailed in the table below

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Supplied Credentials Comment Written?
1 auth=alice-auth password=swordfish realm=asterisk username=alice password=halibut Userpass authentication, wrong password Yes
2 auth=alice-auth password=swordfish realm=asterisk username=carol password=swordfish Userpass authentication, wrong username Yes
3 auth=alice-auth password=swordfish realm=ampersand username=alice password=swordfish Userpass authentication, wrong realm Yes
4 auth=alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 realm=asterisk username=alice password=halibut MD5 authentication, wrong password Yes
5 auth=alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 realm=asterisk username=carol password=swordfish MD5 authentication, wrong username Yes
6 auth=alice-auth auth_type=md5md5_cred=c9b9e23e2160fd69b19f99116da19711 realm=ampersand username=alice password=swordfish MD5 authentication, wrong realm Yes

Alice places a call to extension playback@default

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk rejects all INVITEs with credentials with 401s.

Test 3: Unknown Destination

Written: Yes

Alice places a call to extension carol@default

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 404 to Alice

Test 4: Incompatible codecs

Written: Yes

Alice places a call to extension playback@default, offering G.729 audio.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 488 to Alice

Outgoing Call Tests

These tests all describe calls from Asterisk to endpoint "bob".

All outgoing tests will require multiple iterations. The details of each iteration are given in the following table:

Iteration Transport-specific data Originate channel Comment
1 bind = PJSIP/sip:bob@ IPv4 UDP
2 bind = PJSIP/sip:bob@ IPv4 TCP
3 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=udp PJSIP/sip:bob@[::1]:5062 IPv6 UDP
4 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=udp PJSIP/sip:bob@[::1]:5062 IPv6 TCP

Nominal Tests

Test 1: Playback

Written: Yes

Originate a call from Asterisk to Bob and direct the answered call to playback@default

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that audio flows properly from Asterisk to Bob
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Bob after the playback has completed

Test 2: Echo

Written: Yes

Originate a call from Asterisk to Bob and direct the answered call to echo@default
Bob plays audio to Asterisk
After five seconds, Bob hangs up

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that audio flows properly from Bob to Asterisk
Ensure that audio from Bob to Asterisk is echoed properly back to Bob
Ensure that Asterisk responds to Bob's BYE with a 200 OK

Off-nominal Tests

Test 1: Bob does not exist

Written: Yes

Remove Bob from the network.
Originate a call from Asterisk to Bob.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk tears down the created session properly after timer B expires (32 seconds by default)

Test 2: Bob does not answer

Written: Yes

Originate a call from Asterisk to Bob.
Bob rings but never answers the phone.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk cancels the outgoing call after the Dial timeout is reached.

Test 3: Bob is busy

Written: Yes

Originate a call from Asterisk to Bob.
Bob responds with a busy response.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk receives the 486 from Bob and ACKs it.
Ensure that this results in the outgoing session being destroyed.

Test 4: Call abandoned

Written: Yes

Originate a call from Asterisk to Bob.
Hang up the outbound call before Bob answers.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends a CANCEL to Bob.
Ensure that this results in the outgoing session being destroyed.

Test 5: Bob is incompatible

Written: Yes

Originate a call from Asterisk to Bob.
Bob answers the call but with codecs that are incompatible with what we offered.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends an immediate BYE after ACKing the 200 OK from Bob.

Two-party Call tests

Nominal Tests, Alice-initiated

The following tests require multiple iterations. Details about each iteration are in the following table:

Iteration Transport-specific data Extension Alice calls
1 bind = bob@default
2 bind = bob@default
3 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=udp bobv6@default
4 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=tcp bobv6@default
Test 1: Alice hangs up

Written: Yes

Alice calls Bob via Asterisk
Bob answers the call.
Alice and Bob exchange audio.
Alice hangs up the call after 5 seconds.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Alice can hear Bob's audio and Bob can hear Alice's audio.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Alice's BYE
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Bob

Test 2: Bob hangs up

Written: Yes

Alice calls Bob via Asterisk
Bob answers the call.
Alice and Bob exchange audio.
Bob Hangs up the call after 5 seconds.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Alice can hear Bob's audio and Bob can hear Alice's audio.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Bob's BYE
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice

Nominal Tests, Asterisk-initiated

The following tests require multiple iterations. Details about each iteration are in the following table:

Iteration Transport-specific data Originate channel Originate extension INVITE details
1 bind = PJSIP/sip:alice@ bob@default SDP in offer from Alice
2 bind = PJSIP/sip:alice@ bob@default SDP in offer from Alice
3 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=udp PJSIP/sip:alice@[::1]:5061 bobv6@default SDP in offer from Alice
4 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=tcp PJSIP/sip:alice@[::1]:5061 bobv6@default SDP in offer from Alice
5 bind = PJSIP/sip:alice@ bob@default No SDP in offer from Alice
6 bind = PJSIP/sip:alice@ bob@default No SDP in offer from Alice
7 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=udp PJSIP/sip:alice@[::1]:5061 bobv6@default No SDP in offer from Alice
8 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=tcp PJSIP/sip:alice@[::1]:5061 bobv6@default No SDP in offer from Alice
Test 1: Alice hangs up

Asterisk originates a call to Alice and directs the answered call to Bob
Bob answers the call.
Alice and Bob exchange audio.
Alice hangs up after 5 seconds.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Alice can hear Bob's audio and Bob can hear Alice's audio.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Alice's BYE
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Bob

Test 2: Bob hangs up

Asterisk originates a call to Alice and directs the answered call to Bob
Bob answers the call.
Alice and Bob exchange audio.
Bob hangs up after 5 seconds.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Alice can hear Bob's audio and Bob can hear Alice's audio.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Bob's BYE
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice

Off-nominal Tests, Alice-initiated

The following tests require multiple iterations. Details about each iteration are in the following table:

Iteration Transport-specific data Extension Alice calls
1 bind = bob@default
2 bind = bob@default
3 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=udp bobv6@default
4 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=tcp bobv6@default
Test 1: Bob does not exist

Remove Bob from the network.
Alice places a call to Asterisk to Bob

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk tears down the outgoing session properly after timer B expires (32 seconds by default)
Ensure that Asterisk sends an error response to Alice

Test 2: Bob does not answer

Alice places a call to Asterisk to Bob
Bob rings but never answers the phone.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk cancels the outgoing call to Bob after the Dial timeout is reached.
Ensure that Asterisk sends an error response to Alice

Test 3: Bob is busy

Alice places a call to Asterisk to Bob
Bob responds with a busy response.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk receives the 486 from Bob and ACKs it.
Ensure that Asterisk sends an error response (preferably a 486) to Alice.

Test 4: Call abandoned

Alice places a call to Asterisk to Bob.
Alice hangs up the outbound call before Bob answers.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends a CANCEL to Bob.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Alice's CANCEL and a 487 to Alice's INVITE

Test 5: Bob is incompatible

Alice places a call to Asterisk to Bob.
Bob answers the call but with codecs that are incompatible with what we offered.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends an immediate BYE after ACKing the 200 OK from Bob.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice.

Off-nominal tests, Asterisk-initiated

The following tests require multiple iterations. Details about each iteration are in the following table:

Iteration Transport-specific data Originate channel Originate extension
1 bind = PJSIP/sip:alice@ bob@default
2 bind = PJSIP/sip:alice@ bob@default
3 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=udp PJSIP/sip:alice@[::1]:5061 bobv6@default
4 bind = [::1]:5060protocol=tcp PJSIP/sip:alice@[::1]:5061 bobv6@default
Test 1: Bob does not exist

Remove Bob from the network.
Asterisk originates a call to Alice and directs the answered call to Bob

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk tears down Bob's session properly after timer B expires (32 seconds by default)
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice

Test 2: Bob does not answer

Asterisk originates a call to Alice and directs the answered call to Bob
Bob rings but never answers the phone.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk cancels the outgoing call to Bob after the Dial timeout is reached.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice

Test 3: Bob is busy

Asterisk originates a call to Alice and directs the answered call to Bob
Bob responds with a busy response.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk receives the 486 from Bob and ACKs it.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice

Test 4: Call abandoned

Asterisk originates a call to Alice and directs the answered call to Bob
Hang up the outbound call before Bob answers.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends a CANCEL to Bob.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a 200 OK to Alice's BYE

Test 5: Bob is incompatible

Asterisk originates a call to Alice and directs the answered call to Bob.
Bob answers the call but with codecs that are incompatible with what we offered.

Pass Conditions:
Ensure that Asterisk sends an immediate BYE after ACKing the 200 OK from Bob.
Ensure that Asterisk sends a BYE to Alice.