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Tests for Registration Functionality


This page outlines registration tests for the new SIP channel driver.

All registration / un-registration tests will need to be run multiple times. Details on each iteration are given below:

Iteration Transport-specific options Comment
1 bind = = udp IPv4 UDP
2 bind = = tcp IPv4 TCP
3 bind = [::1]:5060protocol = udp IPv6 UDP
4 bind = [::1]:5060protocol = tcp IPv6 TCP

Note that if a specific test requires multiple iteration, the total number of test iterations will be the product of the test's number of iteration multiplied by the number of iterations in the above table.

Inbound Registration Tests

Nominal Tests

Test 1: Single contact

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=1minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Contact: <sip:alice@> Identify by username, no auth,no Expires header,no expires Contact param defined yes
2 auth=alice-authaors=alice username=alicepassword=swordfish max_contacts=1minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 realm=asterisk username=alice password=swordfish Contact: <sip:alice@> Identify by username, userpass auth,no Expires header,no expires Contact param defined yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing a single contact to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. If applicable, authentication occurs.
  3. Asterisk properly adds the contact to the configured AOR
  4. Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of the default_expiration configuration setting
  5. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly adds the contact to the proper AOR
  • Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of the default_expiration configuration setting
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with the single contact listed

Test 2: Multiple contacts

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific Data Alice-aor-specific Data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=2minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@> Contact: <sip:alice-home@> Expires: 10 Identify by username,no auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header yes
2 auth=alice-authaors=alice username=alicepassword=swordfish max_contacts=2minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 realm=asteriskusername=alicepassword=swordfish Contact: \<sip:alice-office@\>Contact: \<sip:alice-home@\>Expires: 10 Identify by username,userpass auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header yes
3 aors=alice none max_contacts=2minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=15Contact: <sip:alice-home@>;expires=20Expires: 10 Identify by username,no auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header,expires Contact param yes
4 auth=alice-authaors=alice username=alicepassword=swordfish max_contacts=2minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 realm=asteriskusername=alicepassword=swordfish Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=15Contact: <sip:alice-home@>;expires=20 Identify by username,userpass auth,two contacts, one AOR,expires Contact param yes
5 auth=alice-authaors=alice username=alicepassword=swordfish max_contacts=2minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 realm=asteriskusername=alicepassword=swordfish Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=15Contact: <sip:alice-home@>Expires: 10 Identify by username,userpass auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header,one expires Contactparam yes
6 auth=alice-authaors=alice username=alicepassword=swordfish max_contacts=2minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 realm=asteriskusername=alicepassword=swordfish Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=15Contact: <sip:alice-home@> Identify by username,userpass auth,two contacts, one AOR,one expires Contactparam yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing multiple contacts to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. If applicable, authentication occurs.
  3. Asterisk properly adds the contact to the configured AOR
  4. For iteration:
    • 1 & 2, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contacts to what was received in the Expires header.
    • 3 & 4, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contacts to what was received in the expires parameter of the Contacts header.
    • 5, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact with the expires parameter to the value it is set to; the contact without the expires parameter is set to the value specified in the Expires header.
    • 6, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact with the expires parameter to the value it is set to; the contact without the expires parameter is set to the value of the default_expiration configuration setting.
  5. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly adds the contact(s) to the proper AOR
  • For iteration:
    • 1 & 2, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contacts to what was received in the Expires header.
    • 3 & 4, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contacts to what was received in the expires parameter of the Contacts header.
    • 5, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact with the expires parameter to the value it is set to; the contact without the expires parameter is set to the value specified in the Expires header.
    • 6, Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact with the expires parameter to the value it is set to; the contact without the expires parameter is set to the value of the default_expiration configuration setting.
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with both contacts listed

Test 3: Multiple contacts - Registration and Un-registration Mixed

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific Data Alice-aor-specific Data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=2minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=0Contact: <sip:alice-home@>;expires=20Expires: 10 Identify by username,no auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header,expires Contact param,Un-register one contact& register another yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing only one contact with an expiration set to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk properly adds the contact to the configured AOR
  3. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK
  4. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing multiple contacts to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf. The contact that is already registered has an expires parameter of 0. The other contact that is not registered has an expires value as defined in the above table.
  5. Asterisk removes the contact that had an expiration of 0 set from the AOR (un-registers) and adds the contact that had an expiration of 20 set to the AOR (registers).
  6. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk removes the contact that had an expiration of 0 set from the AOR (un-registers) and adds the contact that had an expiration of 20 set to the AOR (registers).
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with listing only the contact that was registered (that had an expiration of 20 set)

Test 4: Configuration Option maximum_expiration

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific Data Alice-aor-specific Data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none default_expiration=30maximum_expiration=60 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=120Expires: 300 Identify by username,no auth,one contacts, one AOR,Expires header,expires Contact param yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing a single contact to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk properly adds the contact to the configured AOR
  3. Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of the maximum_expiration configuration setting
  4. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly adds the contact to the proper AOR
  • Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of the maximum_expiration configuration setting
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with the single contact listed

Test 5: Configuration Option minimum_expiration

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific Data Alice-aor-specific Data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none default_expiration=60minimum_expiration=30 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=15Expires: 20 Identify by username,no auth,one contacts, one AOR,Expires header,expires Contact param yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing a single contact to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk properly adds the contact to the configured AOR
  3. Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of the minimum_expiration configuration setting
  4. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly adds the contact to the proper AOR
  • Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of the minimum_expiration configuration setting
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with the single contact listed

Test 6: Configuration Option remove_existing

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific Data Alice-aor-specific Data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=3remove_existing=yes none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>Contact: <sip:alice-home@>Expires: 20 Identify by username,no auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header yes
2 aors=alice none max_contacts=3remove_existing=yes none Contact: <sip:alice-mobile@>Contact: <sip:alice-pc@>Expires: 20 Identify by username,no auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing two contacts to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk properly adds the contacts to the configured AOR
  3. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK
  4. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing two different contacts to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  5. Asterisk properly replaces the first set of contacts with the second set of contacts for the configured AOR
  6. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly adds the contacts to the proper AOR
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with both contacts listed
  • Asterisk properly replaces the first set of contacts with the second set of contacts for the configured AOR
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with both contacts listed from the second set.

Off-nominal Tests

Test 1: Invalid expirations

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=1minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Contact: <sip:alice@>Expires: 4294967296 Identify by username,no auth,invalid Expires header no
2 auth=alice-authaors=alice username=alicepassword=swordfish max_contacts=1minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 realm=asterisk username=alice password=swordfish Contact: <sip:alice@>;expires=4294967296 Identify by username,userpass auth,invalid expiresContact parameter no


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing a single contact to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. If applicable, authentication occurs.
  3. Asterisk properly adds the contact to the configured AOR
  4. Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of one of the following:
    • the default_expiration configuration setting
    • 4294967295
    • 3600
  5. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly adds the contact(s) to the proper AOR
  • Asterisk sets the expiration of the contact to the value of one of the following:
    • the default_expiration configuration setting
    • 4294967295
    • 3600
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with the contact(s) listed

Test 2: No Contact header

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=1minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Expires: 10 Identify by username,no auth,no Contact header,Expires header yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request without a Contact header to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk does not add any contact to the configured AOR
  3. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk does not add the contact to the AOR
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK with noContact header

Test 3: Configuration Option max_contacts

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific Data Alice-aor-specific Data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=1 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=15Contact: <sip:alice-home@>;expires=20Expires: 10 Identify by username,no auth,two contacts, one AOR,Expires header,expires Contact param yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing two contacts to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk does not add the contacts to the configured AOR
  3. Asterisk responds with a 403 Forbidden

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk does not add the contacts to the configured AOR
  • Asterisk responds with a 403 Forbidden

Test 4: Wrong Password

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 auth=alice-authaors=alice username=alicepassword=swordfish realm=asterisk username=alice password=wrong Contact: <sip:alice@>Expires: 10 Identify by username, userpass auth,Expires header,wrong password yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request containing a single contact to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Authentication occurs.
  3. Asterisk responds with a 401 Unauthorized

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk does not add the contact to the AOR
  • Asterisk responds with a 401 Unauthorized with no contacts listed

Un-registration Tests

Nominal Tests

Test 1: Un-register single contact from AOR

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=1 none Contact: <sip:alice@>Expires: 0 Identify by username,no auth,Contact* header,Expires* header yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request with a valid Contact header and with an Expires header of 0 to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly un-registers the contact
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Test 2: Un-register multiple contacts from AOR

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=2 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>Contact: <sip:alice-home@>Expires: 0 Identify by username,no auth,Contact* headers,Expires* header yes
2 aors=alice none max_contacts=2 none Contact: <sip:alice-office@>;expires=0Contact: <sip:alice-home@>;expires=0Expires: 55 Identify by username,no auth,Contact* headers,Expires* header,expires Contact param yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request with a multiple Contact headers with a mix of using the Expires header and the expires Contact parameter to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly un-registers both contacts
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Test 3: Un-register all contacts using '*' from AOR

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=1minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Contact: *Expires: 0 Identify by username,no auth,Contact* header,Expires* header yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request with a Contact header of '*' and with an Expires header of 0 to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk properly un-registers all contacts
  • Asterisk responds with a 200 OK

Off-nominal Tests

Test 1: Un-register single contact using '*' without an Expires header from AOR

Iteration Alice-specific Data Alice-auth-specific data Alice-aor-specific data Supplied Credentials Supplied SIP Headers Comment Written?
1 aors=alice none max_contacts=1minimum_expiration=5default_expiration=30 none Contact: * Identify by username,no auth,Contact* header,no Expires* header yes


  1. The UA sends a REGISTER request with a Contact header of '*' and without an Expires header to Asterisk for an endpoint & AOR defined in pjsip.conf.
  2. Asterisk responds with a 400 Bad Request

Pass Conditions:

  • Asterisk does not un-register any contacts
  • Asterisk responds with a 400 Bad Request