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ARI Feature Wish-list


The ARI Feature Wish-List has been setup to help collect ideas from the wider ARI community. If you're using ARI to build applications or developing an ARI framework, we're interested in your thoughts, suggestions and feedback. You can contribute by either posting a comment or by joining the conversation in the #asterisk-dev or #asterisk-ari channels over on freenode. Remember, unless you want to write the feature yourself, there's no guarantee it will be done.

Non-JIRA Feature Requests

Don't see your Wish-List request below? Ask in #asterisk-ari on freenode.

Feature Short Description Submitted JIRA # Status
ARI TTS/ASR Support See: [Re: Asterisk 14 Project - ARI and generic Text To Speech] 14/3/2015
HTTP Media Playback Play media directly from a URL. See [Asterisk 14 Project - URI Media Playback] 16/3/2015 Done
Media Playlists Play a sequence of media resources via a single request. See [Asterisk 14 Project - Media Playlists] 16/3/2015 Done
Early bridge Bridge answered channels (inbound) and unanswered channels (outbound), passing media from outbound channels to inbound channels. Allow for unanswered outbound channels to be placed directly into an early bridge. This would allow for early media in "dial" operations in ARI. 16/3/2015 Done
Session Progress Handling Ability for ARI to raise an event when a channel receives Session Progress (183) 19/11/2015 Done
Recorded file retrieval Allow files in the StoredRecordings resource to be retrieved from the HTTP server. 16/3/2015
Channel dialplan request Allow ARI to "request" a channel in the dialplan to be placed into a Stasis application and/or be moved to a new location in the dialplan. Similar to the AMI Redirect action. 16/3/2015
"All" subscriptions Allow ARI to make subscriptions to all bridges/channels/endpoints. In particular, this is needed for bridges, as they are not tied explicitly to a Stasis application. 16/3/2015 Done
PBX Stasis Instead of having a Stasis application, have certain dialplan contexts be "owned" an an external ARI application. Channels that enter that context are immediately handed off to an application. The application would immediately be subscribed to all channels within that context. Note that this would need the 'all bridges' subscription noted above. 16/3/2015
Security events Allow for subscriptions to security events through the applications resource. Raise events as appropriate. 16/3/2015
Asterisk control Improve the /asterisk resource to allow for more system control, i.e., restarts, logger manipulation, module reloading, etc. 16/3/2015 Done
Endpoint injection For endpoints that could feasibly support it, i.e., PJSIP, allow for endpoints to be 'pushed' into memory via ARI. This would allow for endpoints to be created through the REST API. 16/3/2015 Done
Config file updates Allow any configuration file in Asterisk to be updated via ARI. 16/3/2015
Stasis dialplan result variable Set a channel variable on a channel if it can't get placed into a Stasis dialplan application. 16/3/2015 Done
Increase HTTP max content length The HTTP max content length is currently 4k. That limits some of the requests that can be made. 16/3/2015 Done
Add/Remove Sounds Allow ARI to be used to push new sounds to asterisk storage over HTTP and also deleted 16/3/2015
ARI Debug Allow ARI debug information at console, like sip set debug, we could have: ari set debug on/off. Could show details about messages passed between application and asterisk. Could be filtered by Stasis app too, e.g. "ari set debug on" 05/05/2015 Done
ari show applications Ability to list applications from the console. Show details like IP of application websocket endpoint, duration, missed msg's(?) 01/08/2016 Done
Bridged DTMF Pass-through Expose ability to set pass-through behavior of DTMF on bridges at bridge creation or when a channel is added to a bridge 05/08/2016
Connection without user Allow ARI requests to be initiated without requiring authentication or a user 15/08/2016
Set Presence State The ability to set presencestate information via ARI would be immensely helpful for those developing custom apps that need to integrate Asterisk media functionality with external chat apps, etc. 15/09/2016
Multi-Channel Recording Recorded to multi-channel wav with a channel for each leg of a bridge. WAV format spec supports up to 18 channels. It would be greatly useful for audio analysis 15/09/2016
On Connection End When a call is active and the ARI connection dies, add an option to be able to send the call to a dialplan location or be able to set it within the ARI connection JSON