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Generate an Advice of Charge message on a channel.


Generates an AOC-S, AOC-D or AOC-E message on a channel.


    Action: AOCMessage
    ActionID: <value>
    Channel: <value>
    ChannelPrefix: <value>
    MsgType: <value>
    ChargeType: <value>
    UnitAmount(0): <value>
    UnitType(0): <value>
    CurrencyName: <value>
    CurrencyAmount: <value>
    CurrencyMultiplier: <value>
    TotalType: <value>
    AOCBillingId: <value>
    ChargingAssociationId: <value>
    ChargingAssociationNumber: <value>
    ChargingAssociationPlan: <value>
    ChargedItem: <value>
    RateType: <value>
    Time: <value>
    TimeScale: <value>
    Granularity: <value>
    GranularityTimeScale: <value>
    ChargingType: <value>
    VolumeUnit: <value>
    Code: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.

  • Channel - Channel name to generate the AOC message on. This value is required unless ChannelPrefix is given.

  • ChannelPrefix - Partial channel prefix. By using this option one can match the beginning part of a channel name without having to put the entire name in. For example if a channel name is SIP/snom-00000001 and this value is set to SIP/snom, then that channel matches and the message will be sent. Note however that only the first matched channel has the message sent on it.

  • MsgType - Defines what type of AOC message to create, AOC-S, AOC-D or AOC-E

    • S

    • D

    • E

  • ChargeType - Defines what kind of charge this message represents for AOC-D and AOC-E.

    • NA

    • FREE

    • Currency

    • Unit

  • UnitAmount(0) - This represents the amount of units charged. The ETSI AOC standard specifies that this value along with the optional UnitType value are entries in a list. To accommodate this these values take an index value starting at 0 which can be used to generate this list of unit entries. For Example, If two unit entires were required this could be achieved by setting the paramter UnitAmount(0)=1234 and UnitAmount(1)=5678. Note that UnitAmount at index 0 is required when ChargeType=Unit, all other entries in the list are optional.

  • UnitType(0) - Defines the type of unit. ETSI AOC standard specifies this as an integer value between 1 and 16, but this value is left open to accept any positive integer. Like the UnitAmount parameter, this value represents a list entry and has an index parameter that starts at 0.

  • CurrencyName - Specifies the currency's name. Note that this value is truncated after 10 characters.

  • CurrencyAmount - Specifies the charge unit amount as a positive integer. This value is required when ChargeType==Currency (AOC-D or AOC-E) or RateType==Duration/Flat/Volume (AOC-S).

  • CurrencyMultiplier - Specifies the currency multiplier. This value is required when CurrencyAmount is given.

    • OneThousandth

    • OneHundredth

    • OneTenth

    • One

    • Ten

    • Hundred

    • Thousand

  • TotalType - Defines what kind of AOC-D total is represented.

    • Total

    • SubTotal

  • AOCBillingId - Represents a billing ID associated with an AOC-D or AOC-E message. Note that only the first 3 items of the enum are valid AOC-D billing IDs

    • Normal

    • ReverseCharge

    • CreditCard

    • CallFwdUnconditional

    • CallFwdBusy

    • CallFwdNoReply

    • CallDeflection

    • CallTransfer

  • ChargingAssociationId - Charging association identifier. This is optional for AOC-E and can be set to any value between -32768 and 32767

  • ChargingAssociationNumber - Represents the charging association party number. This value is optional for AOC-E.

  • ChargingAssociationPlan - Integer representing the charging plan associated with the ChargingAssociationNumber. The value is bits 7 through 1 of the Q.931 octet containing the type-of-number and numbering-plan-identification fields.

  • ChargedItem - Defines what part of the call is charged in AOC-S. Usually this is set to BasicCommunication, which refers to the time after the call is answered, but establishment (CallAttempt) or successful establishment (CallSetup) of a call can also be used. Other options are available, but these generally do not carry enough information to actually calculate the price of a call. It is possible to have multiple ChargedItem entries for a single call -- for example to charge for both the establishment of the call and the actual call. In this case, each ChargedItem is described by a ChargedItem: header and all other headers that follow it up to the next ChargedItem: header.

    • NA

    • SpecialArrangement

    • BasicCommunication

    • CallAttempt

    • CallSetup

    • UserUserInfo

    • SupplementaryService

  • RateType - Defines how an AOC-S ChargedItem is charged. The Duration option is only available when ChargedItem==BasicCommunication.

    • NA

    • Free

    • FreeFromBeginning

    • Duration

    • Flat

    • Volume

    • SpecialCode

  • Time - Specifies a positive integer which is the amount of time is paid for by one CurrencyAmount. This value is required when RateType==Duration.

  • TimeScale - Specifies the time multiplier. This value is required when Time is given.

    • OneHundredthSecond

    • OneTenthSecond

    • Second

    • TenSeconds

    • Minute

    • Hour

    • Day

  • Granularity - Specifies a positive integer which is the size of the charged time increments. This value is optional when RateType==Duration and ChargingType==StepFunction.

  • GranularityTimeScale - Specifies the granularity time multiplier. This value is required when Granularity is given.

    • OneHundredthSecond

    • OneTenthSecond

    • Second

    • TenSeconds

    • Minute

    • Hour

    • Day

  • ChargingType - Specifies whether the charge increases continuously with time or in increments of Time or, if provided, Granularity. This value is required when RateType==Duration.

    • ContinuousCharging

    • StepFunction

  • VolumeUnit - Specifies the quantity of which one unit is paid for by one CurrencyAmount. This value is required when RateType==Volume.

    • Octet

    • Segment

    • Message

  • Code - Specifies the charging code, which can be set to a value between 1 and 10. This value is required when ChargedItem==SpecialArrangement or RateType==SpecialCode.

See Also

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT