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Send an out of call message to an endpoint.



    Action: MessageSend
    ActionID: <value>
    [Destination:] <value>
    [To:] <value>
    From: <value>
    Body: <value>
    Base64Body: <value>
    Variable: <value>
  • ActionID - ActionID for this transaction. Will be returned.

  • Destination - A To URI for the message. If Destination is provided, the To parameter can also be supplied and may alter the message based on the specified message technology.
    For backwards compatibility, if Destination is not provided, the To parameter must be provided and will be used as the message destination.

    • Technology: PJSIP
      The 'destination' parameter is used to construct the Request URI for an outgoing message. It can be in one of the following formats, all prefixed with the 'pjsip:' message tech.

      • endpoint - Request URI comes from the endpoint's default aor and contact.

      • endpoint/aor - Request URI comes from the specific aor/contact.

      • endpoint@domain - Request URI from the endpoint's default aor and contact. The domain is discarded.

        These all use the endpoint to send the message with the specified URI:

      • endpoint/<sip[s]:host>>

      • endpoint/<sip[s]:user@host>

      • endpoint/"display name" <sip[s]:host>

      • endpoint/"display name" <sip[s]:user@host>

      • endpoint/sip[s]:host

      • endpoint/sip[s]:user@host

      • endpoint/host

      • endpoint/user@host
        These all use the default endpoint to send the message with the specified URI:

      • <sip[s]:host>

      • <sip[s]:user@host>

      • "display name" <sip[s]:host>

      • "display name" <sip[s]:user@host>

      • sip[s]:host

      • sip[s]:user@host
        These use the default endpoint to send the message with the specified host:

      • host

      • user@host
        This form is similar to a dialstring:

      • PJSIP/user@endpoint
        You still need to prefix the destination with the 'pjsip:' message technology prefix. For example: 'pjsip:PJSIP/8005551212@myprovider'. The endpoint contact's URI will have the 'user' inserted into it and will become the Request URI. If the contact URI already has a user specified, it will be replaced.

    • Technology: SIP
      Specifying a prefix of 'sip:' will send the message as a SIP MESSAGE request.

    • Technology: XMPP
      Specifying a prefix of 'xmpp:' will send the message as an XMPP chat message.

  • To - A To URI for the message if needed for the message technology being used to send this message. This can be a SIP(S) URI, such as 'Alice', or a string in the format ''.
    This parameter is required if the Destination parameter is not provided.

    • Technology: PJSIP
      The 'to' parameter is used to specity the 'To:' header in the outgoing SIP MESSAGE. It will override the value specified in MESSAGE(to) which itself will override any 'to' value from an incoming SIP MESSAGE.

    • Technology: SIP

    • Technology: XMPP

  • From - A From URI for the message if needed for the message technology being used to send this message.

    • Technology: PJSIP
      The 'from' parameter is used to specity the 'From:' header in the outgoing SIP MESSAGE. It will override the value specified in MESSAGE(from) which itself will override any 'from' value from an incoming SIP MESSAGE.

    • Technology: SIP
      The 'from' parameter can be a configured peer name or in the form of "display-name" .

    • Technology: XMPP
      Specifying a prefix of 'xmpp:' will specify the account defined in 'xmpp.conf' to send the message from. Note that this field is required for XMPP messages.

  • Body - The message body text. This must not contain any newlines as that conflicts with the AMI protocol.

  • Base64Body - Text bodies requiring the use of newlines have to be base64 encoded in this field. Base64Body will be decoded before being sent out. Base64Body takes precedence over Body.

  • Variable - Message variable to set, multiple Variable: headers are allowed. The header value is a comma separated list of name=value pairs.

Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT