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Provide details about an endpoint section.


    Event: EndpointDetail
    ObjectType: <value>
    ObjectName: <value>
    Context: <value>
    Disallow: <value>
    Allow: <value>
    DtmfMode: <value>
    RtpIpv6: <value>
    RtpSymmetric: <value>
    IceSupport: <value>
    UsePtime: <value>
    ForceRport: <value>
    RewriteContact: <value>
    Transport: <value>
    OutboundProxy: <value>
    MohSuggest: <value>
    100rel: <value>
    Timers: <value>
    TimersMinSe: <value>
    TimersSessExpires: <value>
    Auth: <value>
    OutboundAuth: <value>
    Aors: <value>
    MediaAddress: <value>
    IdentifyBy: <value>
    DirectMedia: <value>
    DirectMediaMethod: <value>
    TrustConnectedLine: <value>
    SendConnectedLine: <value>
    ConnectedLineMethod: <value>
    DirectMediaGlareMitigation: <value>
    DisableDirectMediaOnNat: <value>
    Callerid: <value>
    CalleridPrivacy: <value>
    CalleridTag: <value>
    TrustIdInbound: <value>
    TrustIdOutbound: <value>
    SendPai: <value>
    SendRpid: <value>
    SendDiversion: <value>
    Mailboxes: <value>
    AggregateMwi: <value>
    MediaEncryption: <value>
    MediaEncryptionOptimistic: <value>
    UseAvpf: <value>
    ForceAvp: <value>
    MediaUseReceivedTransport: <value>
    OneTouchRecording: <value>
    InbandProgress: <value>
    CallGroup: <value>
    PickupGroup: <value>
    NamedCallGroup: <value>
    NamedPickupGroup: <value>
    DeviceStateBusyAt: <value>
    T38Udptl: <value>
    T38UdptlEc: <value>
    T38UdptlMaxdatagram: <value>
    FaxDetect: <value>
    T38UdptlNat: <value>
    T38UdptlIpv6: <value>
    T38BindUdptlToMediaAddress: <value>
    ToneZone: <value>
    Language: <value>
    RecordOnFeature: <value>
    RecordOffFeature: <value>
    AllowTransfer: <value>
    UserEqPhone: <value>
    MohPassthrough: <value>
    SdpOwner: <value>
    SdpSession: <value>
    TosAudio: <value>
    TosVideo: <value>
    CosAudio: <value>
    CosVideo: <value>
    AllowSubscribe: <value>
    SubMinExpiry: <value>
    FromUser: <value>
    FromDomain: <value>
    MwiFromUser: <value>
    RtpEngine: <value>
    DtlsVerify: <value>
    DtlsRekey: <value>
    DtlsCertFile: <value>
    DtlsPrivateKey: <value>
    DtlsCipher: <value>
    DtlsCaFile: <value>
    DtlsCaPath: <value>
    DtlsSetup: <value>
    SrtpTag32: <value>
    RedirectMethod: <value>
    SetVar: <value>
    MessageContext: <value>
    Accountcode: <value>
    PreferredCodecOnly: <value>
    DeviceState: <value>
    ActiveChannels: <value>
    SubscribeContext: <value>
    Allowoverlap: <value>
    OverlapContext: <value>
  • ObjectType - The object's type. This will always be 'endpoint'.

  • ObjectName - The name of this object.

  • Context - Dialplan context for inbound sessions

  • Disallow - Media Codec(s) to disallow

  • Allow - Media Codec(s) to allow

  • DtmfMode - DTMF mode

  • RtpIpv6 - Allow use of IPv6 for RTP traffic

  • RtpSymmetric - Enforce that RTP must be symmetric

  • IceSupport - Enable the ICE mechanism to help traverse NAT

  • UsePtime - Use Endpoint's requested packetization interval

  • ForceRport - Force use of return port

  • RewriteContact - Allow Contact header to be rewritten with the source IP address-port

  • Transport - Explicit transport configuration to use

  • OutboundProxy - Full SIP URI of the outbound proxy used to send requests

  • MohSuggest - Default Music On Hold class

  • 100rel - Allow support for RFC3262 provisional ACK tags

  • Timers - Session timers for SIP packets

  • TimersMinSe - Minimum session timers expiration period

  • TimersSessExpires - Maximum session timer expiration period

  • Auth - Authentication Object(s) associated with the endpoint

  • OutboundAuth - Authentication object(s) used for outbound requests

  • Aors - AoR(s) to be used with the endpoint

  • MediaAddress - IP address used in SDP for media handling

  • IdentifyBy - Way(s) for the endpoint to be identified

  • DirectMedia - Determines whether media may flow directly between endpoints.

  • DirectMediaMethod - Direct Media method type

  • TrustConnectedLine - Accept Connected Line updates from this endpoint

  • SendConnectedLine - Send Connected Line updates to this endpoint

  • ConnectedLineMethod - Connected line method type

  • DirectMediaGlareMitigation - Mitigation of direct media (re)INVITE glare

  • DisableDirectMediaOnNat - Disable direct media session refreshes when NAT obstructs the media session

  • Callerid - CallerID information for the endpoint

  • CalleridPrivacy - Default privacy level

  • CalleridTag - Internal id_tag for the endpoint

  • TrustIdInbound - Accept identification information received from this endpoint

  • TrustIdOutbound - Send private identification details to the endpoint.

  • SendPai - Send the P-Asserted-Identity header

  • SendRpid - Send the Remote-Party-ID header

  • SendDiversion - Send the Diversion header, conveying the diversion information to the called user agent

  • Mailboxes - NOTIFY the endpoint when state changes for any of the specified mailboxes

  • AggregateMwi - Condense MWI notifications into a single NOTIFY.

  • MediaEncryption - Determines whether res_pjsip will use and enforce usage of media encryption for this endpoint.

  • MediaEncryptionOptimistic - Determines whether encryption should be used if possible but does not terminate the session if not achieved.

  • UseAvpf - Determines whether res_pjsip will use and enforce usage of AVPF for this endpoint.

  • ForceAvp - Determines whether res_pjsip will use and enforce usage of AVP, regardless of the RTP profile in use for this endpoint.

  • MediaUseReceivedTransport - Determines whether res_pjsip will use the media transport received in the offer SDP in the corresponding answer SDP.

  • OneTouchRecording - Determines whether one-touch recording is allowed for this endpoint.

  • InbandProgress - Determines whether chan_pjsip will indicate ringing using inband progress.

  • CallGroup - The numeric pickup groups for a channel.

  • PickupGroup - The numeric pickup groups that a channel can pickup.

  • NamedCallGroup - The named pickup groups for a channel.

  • NamedPickupGroup - The named pickup groups that a channel can pickup.

  • DeviceStateBusyAt - The number of in-use channels which will cause busy to be returned as device state

  • T38Udptl - Whether T.38 UDPTL support is enabled or not

  • T38UdptlEc - T.38 UDPTL error correction method

  • T38UdptlMaxdatagram - T.38 UDPTL maximum datagram size

  • FaxDetect - Whether CNG tone detection is enabled

  • T38UdptlNat - Whether NAT support is enabled on UDPTL sessions

  • T38UdptlIpv6 - Whether IPv6 is used for UDPTL Sessions

  • T38BindUdptlToMediaAddress - Bind the UDPTL instance to the media_adress

  • ToneZone - Set which country's indications to use for channels created for this endpoint.

  • Language - Set the default language to use for channels created for this endpoint.

  • RecordOnFeature - The feature to enact when one-touch recording is turned on.

  • RecordOffFeature - The feature to enact when one-touch recording is turned off.

  • AllowTransfer - Determines whether SIP REFER transfers are allowed for this endpoint

  • UserEqPhone - Determines whether a user=phone parameter is placed into the request URI if the user is determined to be a phone number

  • MohPassthrough - Determines whether hold and unhold will be passed through using re-INVITEs with recvonly and sendrecv to the remote side

  • SdpOwner - String placed as the username portion of an SDP origin (o=) line.

  • SdpSession - String used for the SDP session (s=) line.

  • TosAudio - DSCP TOS bits for audio streams

  • TosVideo - DSCP TOS bits for video streams

  • CosAudio - Priority for audio streams

  • CosVideo - Priority for video streams

  • AllowSubscribe - Determines if endpoint is allowed to initiate subscriptions with Asterisk.

  • SubMinExpiry - The minimum allowed expiry time for subscriptions initiated by the endpoint.

  • FromUser - Username to use in From header for requests to this endpoint.

  • FromDomain - Domain to use in From header for requests to this endpoint.

  • MwiFromUser - Username to use in From header for unsolicited MWI NOTIFYs to this endpoint.

  • RtpEngine - Name of the RTP engine to use for channels created for this endpoint

  • DtlsVerify - Verify that the provided peer certificate is valid

  • DtlsRekey - Interval at which to renegotiate the TLS session and rekey the SRTP session

  • DtlsCertFile - Path to certificate file to present to peer

  • DtlsPrivateKey - Path to private key for certificate file

  • DtlsCipher - Cipher to use for DTLS negotiation

  • DtlsCaFile - Path to certificate authority certificate

  • DtlsCaPath - Path to a directory containing certificate authority certificates

  • DtlsSetup - Whether we are willing to accept connections, connect to the other party, or both.

  • SrtpTag32 - Determines whether 32 byte tags should be used instead of 80 byte tags.

  • RedirectMethod - How redirects received from an endpoint are handled

  • SetVar - Variable set on a channel involving the endpoint.

  • MessageContext - Context to route incoming MESSAGE requests to.

  • Accountcode - An accountcode to set automatically on any channels created for this endpoint.

  • PreferredCodecOnly - Respond to a SIP invite with the single most preferred codec (DEPRECATED)

  • DeviceState - The aggregate device state for this endpoint.

  • ActiveChannels - The number of active channels associated with this endpoint.

  • SubscribeContext - Context for incoming MESSAGE requests.

  • Allowoverlap - Enable RFC3578 overlap dialing support.

  • OverlapContext - Dialplan context to use for RFC3578 overlap dialing.



Generated Version

This documentation was generated from Asterisk branch certified/20.7 using version GIT